Our 18 month well baby visit

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by E&Msmom, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Let me start with a small brag that the kids are doing great :) The two really positive things she had to say were:
    1. Their language skills are incredible.
    2. Their ability to obey my request at this age in remarkable. They listen very well.

    Ok Brag over :D onto the rest!

    1. DD is in the 3rd percentile for weight....she said she would be happy if we could get her back to the 10th where she used to be. She said no more water, give her drinks with calories. I think she does need water-- is being in the 3rd versus being in the 10th really that big of a deal?

    2. Transitioning to toddler beds- because we have a new baby coming, she recommended waiting a few months AFTER the new baby arrives to transition. She said that with the change of a new baby they are likely to start night waking and seeking attention so it would be better to keep them in their cribs for the time being....thoughts?

    3. Sibling Rivalry and fighting for my love :wub: . My 2 are very nice to each other. However, they are often very jealous when one twin is sitting in my lap, or Im holding one, or teaching one etc. She said I have to find a way to explain to them both that I love them and that even though its not their turn I still love them and in a minute they can have their turn. Anyone else deal with this?
    She commented this should be the big focus for us especially with a 3rd baby coming.

    Thanks everyone!
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Maybe YOU can help me here! LOL! How do you get yours to listen so well?!?!!? LOL! Glad you had an overall good visit! I don't think I can help with much-but the fact that our kids are about the same age when #3 arrives...

    1.) I'm not sure about percentiles. But I do think Dr's worry when they fall below the 5th percentile. How is she with height? If she's tall, I personally wouldn't worry about it. Just fatten her up with some good ol' food(avocados I think ppl mention a lot)-but I know nothing in terms of healthy/fattening foods. And I think ppl add carnation or something else to drink for their kids on the lower end of the scale.

    2.) If they go to bed in the cribs without a problem...why change it? My boys are still in their crib and I in no way plan on changing that anytime soon! It seems from what I've read here-ppl who's kids have always had issues going to bed in the crib-do well in a bed...and vice versa. I dread the crib-toddler transition. But on the other hand-my boys have had no issues sleeping since the baby came either. But-they are in their cribs. Maybe if they were in a toddler bed they would get up? I don't know. They've been STTN since they were 6 months old-through teething and illnesses as well...

    3.) I don't really have jealousy issues with my two. Is there a way you can hold both? I usually put both on my lap(either on the couch or on the floor), or I sit on the floor with both of them. Does one take it out on the other twin? Is there a way you can work with BOTH of them? That's generally what I do, or at least try to. Maybe something else you could do is taking one out with you and then rotating and spending some one on one time with each of them.

    OT, but-how are you feeling otherwise? All those feelings go away?!? :)
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :Clap: I'm glad they are doing so well!! Great job!!

    1. I'm not too sure on the precentiles but me, personally, would not take water out of her diet. There are other ways to incoporate more calories into her diet and not taking that away. :good:

    2. No idea, sorry.

    3. I think that just comes with time. My two used to be like that and I'd explain to them about taking turns, etc. but until they are ready to get it there wasn't much I could really do (other then keep on repeating that ;) )

    Good luck!!
  4. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    You know what amazes me. All the things that you and the pedi talked about. We rarely have long drawn out conversations about these things when I'm at the pedi. I wouldn't even think to ask about obeying.

    Sounds like they are doing good.

    I'd just focus on getting your daughter to eat more higher calorie foods, and I'm of absolutely no use when it comes to advice on welcoming a new baby to the house when you have older children :).
  5. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ya know-I was thinking the same thing! LOL! It's always, "They're great! Any questions?" And then I sit there going.. "Sh!t. I need to come up with at least ONE question so I don't look like a horrible mother!" ;) I can never think of questions...and when/if I do-the answer is more of a "every kid is different" approach. Gotta love how all pedi's are different!
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    First, :yahoo: for a great check up!
    1. I agree with Liz, I would not eliminate water from her diet. Instead with her milk you can add more calories, use either Carnation Instant Breakfast or Pedisure. That's what we do to add calories for our skinny minnies.
    At the 12 month check up both of them were at the 5th percentile and at the 18 month visit, DS was 5th percentile and DD moved up to 10th percentile.
    2. I have no experience with this one but I think your pedi could be on to something there.
    3.Mine do this all the time. I constantly tell them I love them and give them plenty of kisses and hugs. Explain to them about how everyone gets a turn, but like Liz said, it could take them a while to get it.
  7. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    :yahoo: for the good appt!

    1. I would try to increase calories somehow.

    2. Leave them in cribs. You don't want to open a new ball of wax and have so many changes right now.

    3. Really try to talk up the baby sibling. Explain over & over again that you have a lot of love to go around and try to make a point of having fun activities that they can do and really talk up the big brother/sister aspect. Two & a half months is going to fly by. Just keep praising them and how exciting it is that they are going to be big 'siblings.' Good luck. A & C were almost 3 when E was born & they took it in stride. No issues at all! I would sit down with E on my lap and play with C/A all the time.
  8. andrew/kaitlyn/smom

    andrew/kaitlyn/smom Well-Known Member

    1. I would add calories, not eliminate water, especially because adding something like juice or milk may make her more full than she would ordinarily be, and she might end up eating less.

    2. I would go with your instincts on this one. When I was pregnant with the twins my pedi told us not to worry about toilet training DD1, because the new babies would throw her off and make her want to wear diapers again. What actually happened was that DD1 requested to wear underwear all the time, and because she was staying with MIL while I was in the hospital, MIL honored that request (whereas I would have kept her in pull-ups, especially in the car), and by the time the babies and I got home from the hospital DD1 was completely toilet trained, and didn't look back. New babies affect everyone differently. Plus, if they start waking up at night they'll wake up regardless of the kind of bed they're in :)

    3. Knowing how to share Mommy comes with time :) Just keep giving them the message and they will get it eventually. Plus your twins are young enough that by next year they won't remember a time when the new baby wasn't there.
  9. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Thank-you all for all the support, suggestions and replies!
    To answer a few of the questions:
    The main reason I think their language skills (talking and listening) are so great is because I look at them like this: :girl_devil: LOL no honestly my husband thinks alot of it is just LUCK. Although I'd like to think its because we do practice alot of patience, persistence, repetition and explaining things in short simple ways over and over and over again. We also do alot of the same routines and I say the same things each time. At play, at meals, at baths etc. In some regards our house is like groundhog day. As they come to understand the directions and speak words I add more words/explanations and details to the day.

    I go to the pedi's with a list in hand. As soon as I sit down I tell her I have a list (which she prefers) and we move right down my list till all my questions are answered :)

    One wants what the other has ALL THE TIME and that includes mommies lap. If I try to hold both the one who was in my lap first usually ties to hit/kick etc the other one trying to get into my lap. they are big copy cats too which is why I think the language is developing quickly. One says a new word, I praise them and within a day the other twin can say that word too. Thats just not with words but anythign they can do that gets them praise or attention. Its gone as far as if one is in time out, the other wants time out because they want that same kind of attention.

    Im feeling pretty well. Low back pain is annoying but Im sure thats from picking up my toddlers. I see the chiropractor again on Thursday and I cant wait :) No more worried feelings. Im just so excited! I've been telling the twins there is a baby in my belly. Of course they both lift up my shirt and expect to see a baby in my belly LOL I do love when they try to kiss it though :wub:

    the bolded part is exactly what I was thinking :) Thanks for your advice!
  10. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    As a parent of two boys who have been everywhere from sub-3rd to 10th % for weight, I have some experience with worrying about their calories. In all this time, I've NEVER been told to stop offering water. I think that's horrible advice. And yes, juice or milk in excess will tank their appetites for actual food.

    Instead, work on making food more calorie-dense. I did things like giving dried fruit and nuts for a snack, giving pancakes & sausage or eggs & toast for breakfast rather than cereal, making dessert a 3-5x/week event (pudding, ice cream, fruit yogurt with graham crackers, a homemade cookie, a slice of banana bread with butter AND cream cheese...) For a while, I switched to 4 meals per day rather than 3 and while they ate less at each meal, they ate more overall (this was not something the doctor suggested but it worked so I'm mentioning it) They're back up to the 10th after teetering on the edge of a FTT label at 12 months and it's been a gradual process but I haven't had to throw everything I know about nutrition out the window to get them there.
  11. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congrats on a good appointment - I really only wanted to add my two cents on the nutrition.

    i agree with everyone else, look for good sources of fat - NOT JUICE - juice is just sugar and empty calories.

    give them buttered bread, avocados are a great suggestions - add cheese to as much stuff as possible...

    I think it's less about her precentile than she has fallen down on the curve. Pedis like kids to follow a curve, whatever it is...
  12. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same boat on weight... from 6 mo. they were both 30-50% now 2-5% at 15 months... their curve goes at a right angle well - they are still gaining, but slowly. At 15 mo was the first time she mentioned adding pediasure or another bottle of milk during the day... I've tried to just solidify a better eating/snack routine, and adding nutrition to every ounce of food they get.

    as for the cribs... oh my, I'm really hoping to keep out confined as long as possible... but with everything else, I've feared, when I finally started doing it, it wasn't as bad as I thought. hopefully you figure out what works for you...

    sharing your lap, I had to laugh... I like to lay down sometimes and then the twins come and sit on me straddling my waist/hips... why I laughed, was I don't think there's room in your situation/pregnancy to do that... but I tell ours to come "sit on the momma bus"... they take turns, who sits in front and who's in back... I think its a good idea to get the jealousy/sibling rivalry thing figured out a little before adding a 3rd to the mix, hopefully you get some good tips.
  13. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    1. Add calories to their food, but don't eliminate water. Are they drinking so much they aren't eating? Thats the only reason I could think that your pedi would offer that advice.

    2. Bed transition- personal preference. Friends of ours transitioned their 18 month old to a bed before the new baby was born (because they didn't want to buy another crib!), and she did fine with the transition. Another friend kept her twins in their cribs when the new baby was born (when they were 19 months old), and they did fine too. Whatever you think YOUR kids will handle better, do that!

    3. We started the concept of turn taking early around here (probably around a year even though they didn't get it then). When one is sitting on my lap and the other is trying to push her off, I say "It will be your turn in a minute. Go play with XYZ until its your turn." Using "in a minute" works for us, but some people actually set a timer (especially when kids are fighting over a particular toy). We still have jealousy issues around here, but using the "Your turn in a minute" has helped a lot.

    I also bring lists to the pedi... She knows I have my LISTS (broken down- one for each girl, and one for both!), and we go thru each thing while I take notes. I wouldn't be able to remember anything if it wasn't written down, especially with two toddlers ripping apart a non-baby-proofed exam room!
  14. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I would absolutely not remove water either. And I would not start serving veggies with butter or give them dessert more often either... that seems to me like a recipe for disaster and overweight kids with awful eating habits. But yes, you can try to give more healthy fattening foods like cream cheese, avocado etc. And I'd try to give water after meals as much as possible so they don't fill up on it.

    For the cribs, I agree... Some kids stay in cribs until 3 so I don't really see the rush.
  15. Maymay

    Maymay Well-Known Member

    I'm a little lost why everyone says not to take out water. Hydration is hydration, there isn't anything special about water that makes it MORE hydrating. I do see the point about milk tanking their appetite but actually water can do the same thing, anything that fills up the belly will do that. I just give my kiddos drinks after they've eaten. Can anybody clarify why you feel like they NEED water so bad? I'm wondering if I'm missing something.
  16. naomi2

    naomi2 Active Member

    Nothing much new to add, but I wanted to share a little anecdote about issue #3--my kids learned the word "share" very early--in fact, it was one of their first words--however, even now, at almost 2, they will say "share Mommy" and that doesn't mean share as we know it--it means "I want Mommy now." I just explain that it's Owen's turn now, and it will be Oliver's turn tomorrow. They seem to get it more now.
  17. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    From personal experience with one of my DDs, if she doesn't drink a lot of water, she gets constipated. Ouch.

    From my pedi, drinking too much milk (more than 24oz/day) can lead to constipation, anemia and/or gut inflammation.
  18. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    My reason not to do it would be that you want your kids to love water. And offering everything but is the worst way to have kids who will only drink juice or whatnot later on in life because they don't like water.
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