They are terrified of grass and sand.

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by christie76, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    Is this normal at this age? I'm praying they outgrow this quickly. We have a huge deck, so I never really took them in the yard. It's so annoying when we go to somewhere and they freak out and have to be held the entire time. They act like they are walking on needles. If they fall, they are afraid to put their hands down to get up. So, they sit there sobbing. It makes play dates at my friend's houses stressful. Of course, my friends don't get it. It's fine if I only had one kid to hold, but two. Come on now! I keep bringing them out and making them walk on it every day. We walk to the swings, so I thought they'd get over it faster. They won't go near the sandbox either. We live near the beach and they are terrified of it. They love to play on the deck with their water table and kiddie pool. I've ruined them :)
  2. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Mine were scared of grass in the spring/early summer, but now they are past the issue. They still don't want to be in the grass without shoes though, so they won't get out of their little pool unless someone lifts them out.
  3. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    My kids were scared of grass the summer after their 1st birthday (they would have been around 16 months). I think it just felt weird on their feet and legs. We would put a blanket on the grass and they would be fine. By the end of that summer, they were much better with it. I don't ever remember being around sand at that age, so I can't comment on that one.
  4. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    My oldest was like this. He would only walk on grass with shoes and long pants. If he fell he would hold his arms and legs up and freak and wait for me to pick him up! He did get beyond it but not until he was 3.
    I hope they get over soon!
  5. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Two summers ago they were 13/14 months and they reacted the same exact way to grass and sand. :gah: Yes it was frustrating for me when they both wanted to held but it did pass and by the time the next summer came they were fine with both. I know that doesn't help you currently but it will pass. Can you bring a blanket to your playdate and have them play on that if your friend doesn't have a deck?
  6. rabresch72

    rabresch72 Well-Known Member

    I've used a blanket on the grass and they have ventured off of it at their own pace. DS started crawling on it like crazy yesterday when his Daddy got home from work, but DD isn't interested. It's funny to watch them get to the edge of the blanket, feel the grass, and recoil. They'll get used to it with repeated exposure. GL!
  7. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    I would move your sand and water table, and your baby pool out to the yard. That might motivate them more to walk through the grass. Make sure they have shoes on, and I like the idea of laying the blanket down, or even just sit on the grass yourself, and see if they'll sit next to you? Mine never had this problem, in fact they love the sand so much they eat tons of it! You'll have that to look forward to!
  8. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    DD2 still requires shoes in the sand. one thing I did try was to put socks, so they were still getting some sensory input (unlike with shoes) but it was buffered by the socks. For sensory issues that persist, small doses at your guidance but your child's pace might help them adjust to the new experiences! G.L.
  9. jjokitty

    jjokitty Well-Known Member

    When they were about a year old they thought the grass was weird. It was nice that I could put them on a blanket and know that they would stay in one place! Now Sophie loves the grass. She'll even lay on her back and look up at the trees. She loves it if you lie next to her. Avery will not go onto the grass without shoes on. She will stand at the edge of the patio and whine. She won't even go out to play with her favorite sprinkler toy. So weird. Then again I really don't like walking barefoot in grass either!
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