Did you ever think you'd have twin babies?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Danibell, Aug 21, 2009.

  1. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Since we're all in the midst of surviving the first year, and for some of us the disbelief is still running strong, and for others it's finally starting to feel "normal", I ask you this...Did you ever in a million years think you'd have twins??

    I know I didn't! There's the teeny tiny ittiest bittiest chance in our family of twins so I never dreamed I would have them. But then we found out I had pcos, and had to use fertility treatments to get pregnant....and even after all that I still never dreamed we'd be blessed with 2 babies at once! After everything we went through just to get one baby at a time...sometimes I think the twins still seem like a dream! :wub:
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  2. lisachalf

    lisachalf Well-Known Member

    Not in a million years did I think we'd have twins! I am still completely shocked. My husband and I frequently look at each other and wonder how this happened! :)
  3. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    DH and I figured we were going to have twins, but just on pure chance. We always talked about how cool it would be to have twins when we first met and it we always joked around about it. We never planned on having children, but I guess we had a different path chosen for us. I didn't even know that I had a long line of twins on my mother's and father's side. My Nana was a twin, but no one ever talked about it because her sister was stillborn. When we found out, at 5 weeks, the doctors originally thought I was having triplets! I seriously fainted and then they found out it was only two. I was still in shock, but felt that that we were chosen for this life and I wouldn't have it any other way. Plus, twins ARE soooo cool!!! I still ask my husband everyday, "can you believe we have twins?!" I'm still is so much disbelief it's ridiculous.
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Absolutely not. I really didn't think I would have any more kids at all, much less twins. There are no twins anywhere in my family tree, so it was a shocker. But what a great surprise, they are definitely bright little lights in my world! :wub:
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Same here! :)
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  6. WaterGuzzler

    WaterGuzzler Well-Known Member

    Aside from "knowing" I was carrying twins before they even suspected it at 9 wks? No! I also look at dh just about every single day with sheer astonishment!

    My parents now have 2 sets of twin grandchildren-identical girls and fraternal boys from my brother. Funny thing is, my brother and I are step siblings so not even biologically related.
  7. colleenh11

    colleenh11 Well-Known Member

    Never in a million years!!! This is the kind of stuff that only happens to other people. Some days I feel like this is totally normal, but other times I am still in shock in disbelief. And I also didn't think I'd have 3 children, let alone 3 under 2! Hahaha
    I do love them to pieces though.
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  8. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    I never thought I would have twins. We did IVF, but I only produced 2 eggs. Those 2 eggs resulted in 2 slow growing embryos, which resulted in my twins! It was a miracle that I had twins, let alone one baby! One time during my fertility treatments I did have a dream that I had boy/girl twins, which is what we ended up having. That was kind of weird.
  9. roadtocalvary

    roadtocalvary Well-Known Member

    Never did I ever think we would have twins! Actually when I was pregnant I said something about having twins because I was getting so big. My kids even joked about it, but really no we didn't think really we would. My hubby and I still say can you believe we have twins. I feel very honored that the Lord would choose us to have two babies at one time. He never gives us more than we can handle. Do I have crazy chaotic days? Yes that is the very reason I titled my blog the Crazy Cooper's because our lives are crazy and chaotic with 7 children and 2 being the twins, but I wouldn't change a thing! I am very blessed and love it
  10. serialmommy

    serialmommy Well-Known Member

    no, i didn't...there are NO twins in either mine or jason's family...we just wanted one baby, one healthy making it all the way to the end baby...we tried for over 2 years for that one baby, and had 3 m/c to show for it...when i found out i was pg that was amazing...when that pg continued and did really well, that was even better...when we found out at 12 weeks that it was twins it was absolute shock! i had been having dreams of having twins, boy girl twins at that, but i just chalked it up to my subconscious doing it because i didn't really care about the sex of the baby, i just wanted healthy...it's still amazing to me to look at them and realize that we have TWO adorable babies at the same time...they are wonderful "grand finale" to our family...
  11. LisaLonnie

    LisaLonnie Well-Known Member

    Twins run in my family so I always knew there was a possibility. Plus I always had this gut feeling way down inside that I'd have twins some day. I even shared it with my now sister in law 10 years ago when she first started dating my brother. To this day she is freaked out that I had twins and told her I had a feeling I would such a long time ago. Weird, but true.
  12. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Not at all...well I should say I had to do Clomid to get pregnant and told DH that I would love to have twins and kept hoping but did I think it would actually happen? No. We're still amazed!!
  13. divababy

    divababy Well-Known Member

    yes. i knew i'd need help to get pregnant by the time i was 12... and i just had a feeling that it would be this way.. even as a teen.
  14. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Absolutely not. I did not expect that I would able to have children let alone twins. Mine are soon to be 20 months and some days I look at them in disbelief like "Whoa, I cannot believe I'm a mother. Let alone, a mother of twins!"
  15. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    Not in a million years did i ever think we would have twins!!!!

    But the weirdest thing ever is that a few days before giving birth to DS2, FIL and I (we are NOT close!!!) both dreamt on the same night that we had DS1, DS2 and were pregnant with twins[​IMG]

    ...and sure enough...[​IMG]
  16. reggs55

    reggs55 Well-Known Member

    No, I NEVER thought. My college roommate has twins in her family, so we always talked about her having twins. When I got married DH always talked about having twins because two of his sister have fraternal twins and I always said, "sorry, but your sister eggs don't have anything to do with me." Boy, was I wrong :)
  17. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    LMAO!!! NO!!!!

    Does not run in my family. Never ever thought it would happen to me. In fact, we use "barrier" method. Had an accident one night so I took the Plan B (morning after pill or emergency contraceptive) and got pregnant with twins! 4 kids in 3 years! Wow. Nope, never would have guessed it. However, before we found out there was 2, I kept trying to figure out how I was going to tell Jim it was twins...
  18. Addy Fern

    Addy Fern Member


    I am still getting used to it! Neither of us have twins in the family. and I wasnt planning on having kids anytime soon but I still played with fire! and I got double burned! HAHA but i am so happy and exhausted and NOT ME! but STILL HAPPY!!! is really blessing!
  19. Tracy5780

    Tracy5780 Well-Known Member

    NO!! I was in total and utter disbelief considering i have no twins in my family at all!! It was so crazy too at my first sonogram at 8 weeks the sonographer was taking a while to do measurements and such and i JOKINGLY asked "Theres only one in there rite?" and her relply was "Actually no, i see two!" I was shocked!!
  20. waitingpaitently20

    waitingpaitently20 Well-Known Member

    I always thought it would be cool to have twins, then when I was about 30 weeks pregnant I thought man I didn't think about this part. I knew it was a possibility since we did IVF. I actually had a reading done a year and half before by a pyschic and she said I would have twin boys in a year and half. My doctor said I better give her a call and tell her that she was right.
  21. eliseypoo7147

    eliseypoo7147 Well-Known Member

    Yes. There is a set of twins in every generation on my mom's side, and out of 33 grandchildren, 4 of us are girls. 1 of us is done having children, so it only left me and my 2 other girl cousins to be the ones to have twins. I went to the dr. for my 10w ultrasound and I asked her if it was twins, and she said she was 100% sure there was only one in there, and I asked if she was really sure, because I had a feeling. Turns out at my 19w ultrasound, we found out we were having krystal & kaylee. :)
  22. JenKik

    JenKik Well-Known Member

    Hahaha, reading the pp I just have to chuckle because I sooo feel the same way! Twins NEVER EVER crossed my mind..As a matter of fact, the closest twins to me were 3 generations ago! I just know that we tried for 9 months and finally, blessed with not 1 but 2 babies!! No medication or anything, VERY spontaneous!

    Me and my husband often look at each other and say "2 babies, wow" especially when we're feeding babies at the same time!
  23. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Often people say to me "I've always wanted twins." My thought, "Really? It never even occurred to me." When eventually had to do fertility treatments. Because we had both male/female problems, I just never thought it would happen.

    Both of them were playing together on the floor tonight. I looked at my husband and said, "wow, look at these TWO little beings living in our home." How strange and wonderful! Sometimes I don't think it's so wonderful when we have screaming and crying in stereo!! LOL
  24. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Honestly, Yes. In college I was a nanny for twin boys. EVERY women on my mom's side of the family either had twins or miscarried with twins for at least 4 generations back. I love children and was very afraid that because I wanted to be a mom so badly that I wouldn't be able to. I was worrying over nothing! I got pregnant the second month off the pill. I started seeing midwives and they said I was too small to be having twins so they didn't even try to listen to two heartbeats. I didn't have an u/s until 19 weeks and that's when I found out it was twins. I hadn't had any dreams or anything but always knew it was a possibility. DH and I used to joke about how we would have twins (even before we were married) and when I would get my period, we would shout "no babies!". I told him from now on we have to say "no baby!". :) My sister thinks she's going to have triplets!
  25. newboygirltwinsmom

    newboygirltwinsmom Well-Known Member

    Did I think I'd have twins? No, no history in my family. Twins twice, unbeliveable. (I also lost 2 twin pregnancies at 26, and 31wks).

    So, I never ever thought I'd have 2 sets of twins in my life. It still doesn't seem real to me.
  26. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    No, I thought there was no chance. Since the chances of identical twins are so small, and since DH's brother and SIL had twin babies I didn't think there was any chance for twins again the family. Especially since as far back as you look on my side of the family there have never been any twins.

    Nope, didn't think there was a snowball's chance in hell.
  27. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    Two sets of twins? That is amazing to me! Call me crazy, but I am so jealous! I keep wishing that we will have another set.
  28. mrschenoweth

    mrschenoweth Well-Known Member

    No, I didn't! I must say though that a friend of mine did plant the twin possibility before I found out. She said she had dreams and asked me if twins run in the family. Weird, but true! I still didn't think I would have twins though! When I went to my 3rd month appt. and he said he was going to do an ultrasound to check heartbeat, I jokingly said, "And to make sure there is just one!" Sure enough, there were two! So lucky! I found out from my grandfather on my moms side that there are twins in our family but they are very distant. So distant, I wouldn't think it counted! :)
  29. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    I would have never thought it. When we found out it really took awhile to sink in. The day we found out we were pregnant, my husband cracked a joke that it was probably twins. Joke was on him, lol. We still are in disbelief at times.
  30. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    i always wanted twins, and i think a part of me always figured it could happen. and then just before we went in for our ultrasound my cousin made a joke about how i'd always wanted twins and said very confidently, "i'll bet you find out there are two babies."

    so we were in total shock when we found out but there was a part of me that wasn't totally surprised.
  31. jnholman

    jnholman Well-Known Member

    I never really thought about it until our first appt. We were laughing at a possibility of having them and then viola..twins! My boys are the 6th set in our family, so I guess you could say we were doomed!

  32. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    Honestly I've wanted twins since I was a little girl. When we did IVF the first time around and I got pregnant with a singeleton I felt like I was missing one. Sadly we lost that one but the 2nd IVF we did get our twins and everything felt "right". I had a dream before the IVF that I was in the nursery and one side was pink and the other was blue so it didn't surprise me at all to find out we were having boy/girl twins.
  33. sreal02

    sreal02 Well-Known Member

    Never!! It never even crossed our minds when trying for Baby # 3---hoping for a boy for dh's sake. ;) We never had fertility issues, or do we have any family with twins on my side. So, the thought didn't even register. I can still remember my disbelief at my 12 week ultrasound when we found out. It was CRAZY!! LOL However, even though my twinkies are only 4 months old....I can't imagine NOT being a twin mommy to these sweet, adorable, precious little guys. ;) It's so perfect....we have our 2 sweet girls & our 2 sweet boys!

    I keep remembering back to when I was in High School & my BF & I visited a Palm Reader or Tarot Reader---something like that, at the fair. LOL She mentioned *seeing* TWINS in my life. Well, I dated an identical twin in college...not who I married....but I thought that was *it*. Guess not?!? ;)
  34. tundrababy

    tundrababy Well-Known Member

    I suppose I knew it was always a possibility but it still shocked the cr*p out of me. My dad is a fraternal twin and his grandfather was also a fraternal twin - so perhaps one of my boys will be a grandfather to twins as well. The boys are the only set of twins in 2 generations so I suppose it was about time someone had them....
  35. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    I knew it was a possibility since we had IVF but i don't think i truly believed it would happen to us, i didn't even think the IVF cycle would work at all tbh. I have severe endometriosis and PCSOS so i knew that when we were ready for children we would need help in getting pregnant, after failed Chlomid cycles our 1st attepmt at IVF resulted in our girls and i think the whole twin thing didn't sink in for the first few months, complete blur lol but i now realise how blessed we are, i am just thrilled to bits to have the two of them..life is sweet right now i just don't want them to change ever :lol:
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