2nd Birthday gifts...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I've got two months until the boy's second birthday. I can't believe it's almost here already! Where in the world does that time go!??!?!?!?!!??!?! Anyways...DH is starting a "cash only" requirement for us to get us out of debt...so I've been wondering what to get the boys for their birthdays-so we can set aside $$$. What are you thinking of getting your LO's? Or what did you get them? I'm thinking of getting the PBK Anywhere Chairs and then a kitchen set. One will be for bday, the other for Christmas. What do you think? Those would be the "big" gifts. Then maybe a few smaller gifts on the side.

    Anyone have gifts that were HUGE hits?!?!?! I did see a Laugh-N-Learn FARM which I was SOO excited to see! My kids LOVE the farm! And we've loved the LNL Kitchen/Home. I know dh would not want us to get the Farm. However, with Annabella now...I think I am putting that on HER Christmas list! ;)
  2. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    I still have over 5 months to think about it but I've also been thinking about a kitchen for either their birthday or maybe Christmas. I would also like to get them some kind of chairs so I think both of your ideas are great! Looking forward to other people's ideas too!
  3. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    i really have no ideas other than two really great magnadoodles (they have smaller ones now that came attached to books, but they LOVE them), and dress up clothes (they love to dress up). i really can't think of any "big" stuff, so i may just stick with a bunch of smaller stuff like that.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have to think Christmas and birthday at the same time :faint: (their big day 12/26)
    So far we've purchased a 12 CD story and nursery rhyme set and two stuffed lions that purr and meow and the kids can feed them a bottle.
    I am thinking about a table and chair set and some leap frog toys.
  5. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    We got our girls a play kitchen for their second birthday and it was a HUGE hit. My mom gave them PBK chairs at 18 months and they're pretty much ignored around here. I'm sure it depends on the kid, but for us, that was a waste of money. Wooden trains are also big around here, and Amazon has great prices from time to time on the Melissa and Doug intro set. I bought the set for $54.99 when it went on sale. Other big hits were books, bubble blowers from Gymboree, and baby dolls. One of my friends has the laugh and learn stuff and it seems a bit young for two year olds as something new.
  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Probably a play kitchen.

    I had no idea there was a laugh and learn farm! I need to keep away from Toys'r Us now!!!
  7. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    ME EITHER! I just saw it one day while I was at Target. It took everything in me not to buy it right then and there! LOL! By Christmas, Annabella will be 6 months old, so I think it will be PERFECT for her! ;)
  8. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two got tickets to Dora live and they're getting toddler beds.
  9. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same boat as my guys will be 2 in Nov. Not really sure WHAT to get! We got them the anywhere chairs for Christams and they LOVE them and use them everyday! I got a kitcen for them in January off of craigslist and they LOVE it and play with everyday as well. I was thinking about maybe getting potty chairs but I'm thinking they aren't ready so maybe that will be christmas. Maybe an easel but I don't like the idea of chalk in the house....maybe if we use it only in the basement.
  10. marcymiller

    marcymiller Well-Known Member

    We are thinking about getting them a table and chairs (maybe for Christmas instead). We found a cool one on amazon that has a plastic table top or one that is a giant building area for duplo/magablocks. Or, I was thinking about cozy coupes... anyone had lots of luck with those? I also want to get them a kitchen... but am going to keep checking craigslist and see if I can find something there as a PP did. They LOVE babies, balls, their tea set and blocks!
  11. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    If they don't have a kitchen, def. get one of those. I picked one up at a garage sale for $10! My parents got them food to go with it and they are just starting to play with that. I foresee more play food for their bdays. We are planning on getting them a frog and a fish for their 2nd bday. They LOVE the aquarium so we are taking them there for their bday too. Do they like puzzles? We got the 4 puzzle set by Parents at Target for $20 and they LOVE it.
  12. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    I've started thinking some too since we get hit with birthdays and Christmas in the same month. You've hit the nail on the head with what I want to do too. I'm not sure which we will end up with but the bigger item wishlist is PBK chairs, playhouse, climber, kitchen/diner, another cozy coupe, and tricycles.

    The boys love and fight over daily the police car cozy coupe I found on Craigslist. I keep waiting on another one to show up!
  13. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    For their 2nd birthday they will probably get new beds and bedding. They already have cozy coupe, wagon, ride on toys, etc and these are all huge hits! I'm getting them a kitchen for Christmas...I'm hoping some of the grandparents will get them pbk chairs for either Christmas or their bdays. When we get invited to 2nd birthday parties I always get the child the Alphabet LeapFrog refrigerator magnets - they are a huge hit with 2 year olds.
  14. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    There are chairs that look a lot like the pottery barn ones but are a lot cheaper at toys r us, babies r us! :) My in-laws got them for us for like 49 I think?
  15. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    We got this when the twins turned 2 and it was a HUGE hit!
    (We paid 29.99 at K.B. Toys)

    You got some great suggestions. The big one I'm planning on for Carys (my singleton) is a sand/ water table. The Little Tykes adjustable basketball hoop is always fun, too.
  16. Melissatwins84

    Melissatwins84 Well-Known Member

    We have a while to go, but we are planning on getting the kids their big girl/boy beds and room decorations. We will be putting them in big boy/girl beds when they are 2 and letting them have their own room. My kids love their sand/water table, wagon. For Christmas we are getting the step 2 double sided easel and art supplies. I want my mom to get them Leapfrog Tag Junior and some books for Christmas or their 2nd bday.
  17. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    We need to get out of debt too! (next yr ;) ) Ha.

    I got the boys each a pair of tall chocolate UGGS! They look like the coolest kids on EARTh in them and they're warm and perfect for MN winters. PLus.. EASY TO GET ON AND OFF! I live in UGGS so I figured they need to too :)

    I'm having my dad get them "Your Baby Can Read". I think my boys will like it. I'm not terribly concerned about getting them to be on genius levels as much as I am with finding ways to fill the winter months!!! I think this looks cool!

    Train table with trains and stuff from Uncle.

    Cash for their savings accts and of course-- gift cards for the time when I realized WHAT THEY DO NEED cuz right now what we listed above is all I can think of!

    I can't believe our kids are turning 2! One month for us! Wow! Happy Birthday everyone!!
  18. allboys

    allboys Well-Known Member

    My kids really enjoy the Little People sets, especially those with animals. Mr Potato Head is also wildly popular lately.

    Music CDs or video DVDs are always popular especially for car rides. My boys enjoy anything with Elmo, Barney, the Wiggles, etc.

    A Big Wheel or tricycle is another thought. We have one Cozy Coupe as well which is very well used.

    My kids love their double sided art easel but we do keep it outside because it can get messy.

    In my case, the twins have a slightly older brother so I feel like they already have so many toys I have no clue what to even get them for their 2nd birthday.
  19. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Our oldest DS already had received a kitchen set, table and chairs, and an easel - and I recommend ALL of those as gifts. My toddlers love the kitchen and the table and chairs - I haven't had the drive to introduce the easel to them yet. :lol:

    I haven't started thinking of b-day and Christmas gifts yet, though I need to, their b-day is just 8 days after Christmas.
  20. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Kitchen for sure, if you don't have that. We have one PBK chair that Nadia got for her first birthday...and, I wasn't impressed enough to get more for K&K. They mostly like to turn it upside down and jump on it, and it's falling apart. I much prefer beanbag chairs, because my kids like to lie down and watch TV.

    We got a mini kid trampoline for their 2nd birthday, and a Step 2 slide, both of which are in the basement. Both big hits!

    Since we have an older kiddo, we already had every toy under the sun, so I had trouble thinking of new and exciting things to buy. The Little People sets are really great for pretend play starting at this age -- we have the house, the farm, the school, and the alphabet animal one, all of which K&K love. (Heck, Nadia still likes them.) We also have the garage, but I think that one is kind of lame.
  21. 2betterthan1

    2betterthan1 Well-Known Member

    Well we did something that I am sort of regretting already... We got the boys a puppy. Yeah took the dive there. We got her 3 days ago, and its fun to change 2 diapers and clean up after a yet-to-be housebroken puppy. LOL.

  22. luvrkids

    luvrkids Well-Known Member

  23. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Thanks for all of the great ideas! Is it sad that we already have just about everything mentioned??? :blush: We have: sand/water table, table/chairs(my mom bought YEARS ago), train table from my SIL, double sided easel, cozy coupe(tag sale), Little People play sets(I got 4 of them for a total of $8 at a tag sale), a basketball hoop(free from a friend), wagon....

    Good ideas on the trampoline, something similar, Mr Potato Head, the Leap Frog alphabet for the fridge... So definitely the kitchen set. I think I will save that for Christmas. As for the chair-maybe I will look around and see what else is out there. Maybe do a bean bag-those are always comfy.

    So this begs the next question...what kind of kitchen? LOL! I'm thinking of the 50's Diner one that came out last year. I want something that is boy or girl-as we now have a little girl. And the 50's diner one looks sooooooo cool!
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