
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mylife, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. mylife

    mylife Well-Known Member

    Our DD had such a rough time having a BM today...she finally was able to go, but do you have any suggestions of what I could give her to help her along when she needs it?
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    My two don't normally drink any juice and if I give them some when they are having trouble, it usually helps them out. :good: Also I know prunes help but I couldn't get mine to eat any (the fruit or jam) so that was out for us. I hope she gets some relief soon.
  3. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    We battle this on an on-going basis. I just give them some babyfood prunes for a snack. It only takes half the container for my girls.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DS frequently has issues with constipation and what works for him is some fruit juice with water, dole/del monte fruit cups and as our last resort baby food prunes. Good luck! It is so tough to hear them working hard for a poo!
  5. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I try to give her more water, peas, peaches, prunes, pears, beans, avacados.

    I'd try to lay off the bananas, toast, apples, and rice. They call it the BRAT diet--it's great for when they have diarrhea, but it can cause constipation.
  6. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    one of my girls suffers with hard clayball-like stools at times, she strains so hard and then she just screams and cries when it's coming out. it's so heartbreaking. i always try to encourage them to drink a lot of water. apple juice doesn't seem to help. so i've been trying to give her a prune a day. when it's really bad, i go overboard and give her like 3 prunes (my girls LOVE them!) and then she has like 4 poops within the next 24 hrs, and then i try to get back on a 1 prune a day routine. it definitely helps! try the cherry essence prunes... that's what we first tried them on and they loved them! then we were out of town last weekend and didn't bring any prunes so had to buy some regular prunes, and they loved them just the same. those individually wrapped prunes are really convenient too. they look like little candies... lol.
  7. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    We always do fruit with breakfast, juice with lunch, and as much high fiber whole grain type food as we can.
    Hope she feels better soon!
  8. mylife

    mylife Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot for all your replies....out to get some prunes!!!
  9. lorig6

    lorig6 Well-Known Member

    I give my daughter 2oz prune juice/2oz apple juice every other day. She poops hard balls. It's a sin. This keeps her regulated.
  10. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    We struggle with this continually with Jack. Per the ped. he is restricted to no more than 16 oz. of milk and one 4oz. yogurt a day. NO bananas, cooked carrots, cheese or other dairy, apples/apple sauce or rice. He gets only whole grain bread. He can have as much fruit or prunes as he likes and we don't restrict his veggies either. He gets only small amounts of meat. Even with all that he still has trouble at least 4 days a week.
    The biggest change lately has been restricting his milk and other dairy and that has helped more than anything we've tried so far. Before this he was easily drinking 24-30 oz. of milk a day.
  11. Brownie110

    Brownie110 Well-Known Member

    I asked this question awhile back, and of lot of people said Pears, I never heard of this before, but I tried it and it works great...I give them pears, or pear LO's are always struggling.

  12. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    urgh, we've struggled since they were a year adjusted. one of mine drinks around 40 oz/day of milk. now i water it down to almost half, but that's for sure the biggest culprit. he has always been that way. i pumped for him for 15 months and he drank a ton then. when we switched to cow's milk it got really bad. since then i mostly use goat's milk, w/ some soy milk and some 2% millk thrown in, as well.... and i just push the prunes on him! he won't eat them by themselves but he'll eat the pureed ones out of the container, or if i mix them in his yogurt. we also try to eat pears every day..... we avoid bananas and the brat diet, as others have mentioned....... w/all of this, it's still a struggle. the ped wants his poops to be "like toothpaste," and they never are. he wants him on miralx or phillips, but i hate giving that stuff, and i know it's not good long term. we just started using an infant probiotic and i bought this homeopathic/herbal stuff for kids called "ready, set, go!" as per my acu. the next time he goes, if it's not soft enough, we're trying this.

    i hope your problem is not ongoing!

    gl, jl
  13. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    We give the kids one or two prunes every day (the small bite size ones). DS doesn't have a problem with constipation and at first we only gave them to DD. She started calling them prune candies and now DS has to have one too. I figure it can't hurt them and it has made a big difference with my daughter.
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