What the heck do y'all do about early wake-up's

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Kleppard, Aug 16, 2009.

  1. Kleppard

    Kleppard Well-Known Member

    I feel kinda bad about even asking this because our bedtime and nights are going really well. Naps are getting better also. BUT mornings are a gong show! I have not yet done CIO but I'm wondering if I'm going to have to do this for the early morning wake-up's or will they just start sleeping longer on their own. The LO's go to bed between 7 and 7:15. Most of the time I don't hear from them until 4 or 5. So they are going about 10 hours, but I really want to teach them that wake-up time is 6:30 or 7. I know they are not hungry and I have even tried feeding them early, but that just gets them up even more. Right now that are waking up and playing in their cribs. Sometimes they will fall back to sleep on their own, but most of the time I have to go in and put soothers back in their mouths. And they seem to take turns with their wake-up's, so my day is starting around 4:30. Like I said, I feel bad even asking how to deal with this because otherwise they are doing so well.
  2. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same boat! Well, mine don't sleep that well, but they are wide awake and raring to go around 4:30 or 5AM! It's soo hard to get up and do stuff with them at that time.
  3. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Mine started sleeping from 6-5 around 10 months and we wound up dealing with the 5am wake ups until they were 18 months. What changed?? Daylight savings time! It worked like a charm when we "sprang ahead". The now sleep 6/6:30-6/6:30!
  4. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    Don't feel bad about asking. How I worked it so they slept longer, is to just leave them. If they weren't really crying and I knew they were fine I just left them there tell it was "time". Eventually they got it and slept longer. In fact, now they sometimes even sleep in. It's 8:30 and their still sleeping!
  5. bekkiz

    bekkiz Well-Known Member

    I just stopped going in until 6am. They were getting up between 5:15-5:45, and I wouldn't go in until 6 (unless one of them was really crying). They pretty much babble and crawl around in their cribs until I come in. Now they seem to be making it until 6-6:15 after a couple of weeks of this.
  6. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    I put toys in their cribs and don't enter the room until 6:45. I used to hear them but now they have learned. When I walk in they are wide awake playing with their toys. Most of the time they sleep till 615 now. ( they used to try to get up at 530, and I ignored them.
  7. waitingpaitently20

    waitingpaitently20 Well-Known Member

    I just started to leave mine there and they started to fall back asleep. Sometime I would put the light on (they shared a room with us) just to buy me some extra time in bed since it would keep them from crying and ironically they stared to fall back asleep. Now that they are in seperate room who ever wakes up first I give them about a half an hour (unless crying) and if they do not fall back asleep I wake the other one up. If I do not wake the other one up then it will throw off their first nap. It is always a gamble since sometime my one son won't fall back asleep so I never know if I should wake the other one up. Usually they fall back to sleep and sometime they sleep real late 8/8:30, but I try not to start the day before 7 but sometime I can't aviod. I also make note of the time they wake up if they do not fall back asleep then I know I have to hussle to get them fed, played with and nursed back in the two hours from when they woke up and not when I got them out of bed.
  8. MelinaS79

    MelinaS79 Well-Known Member

    I don't go and get them until 7am unless one starts really crying to the point where I know they're upset. They usually just make baby noises in their crib on the days they do wake up before 7... but if *I* wake up and its 7:30 and they're still asleep.. I let them sleep til they wake up on their own. I never wake them. :)
  9. Carrie27

    Carrie27 Well-Known Member

    This is basically what I did. I started with pushing their wake up time to 6 and in the past few months we have a wake up after 7.
  10. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    The leaving them in there doesn't work for us. They start SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER the second their eyes open and DO NOT STOP until someone gets them. I tried the "not going in" approach for almost 4 months and NOT ONCE did either one go back to sleep. Am I the only one? Man! I guess I have stubborn kids or something but it's always been this way. Five AM they are up and at 'em. There's no going back to sleep. Even if I left them in there for 5 hours, they wouldn't go back. I wish it was as easy as just ignoring them. The screams could literally wake the neighbors. They are blood curdling. Ugh.
  11. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    This is what i did too, they do 6 while 6 now hurrah but for what seemed like ages they would rise at 5ish. If they are anything like sleeping in later will happen in a few weeks time. When they were waking early i would feed if nearer to 4, ignore if nearer to 5 or get up if they wouldn't chillout.
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