Finding time to do what you need to do..

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by happyfor2, Aug 15, 2009.

  1. happyfor2

    happyfor2 Well-Known Member

    Ok....I know the old saying is "there just isn't enough hours in the day" but seriously I am getting quite frustrated with the reality of this. I feel like I am barely getting to the things that I "need" to do on a day to day basis. Trying to keep up with any housekeeping is a real struggle. Right now, I feel like I operate on emergency mode....tackle whatever looks the worse. Ok...the toilet is starting to get a ring in it....better try to get to that today! When I get the mail I almost laugh at the magazine subscriptions that are still coming. They end up in a big pile and never get read. Today...I was outside and thought "I'd love to plant some mums this year". Seriously...when is that going to happen. And to compensate for all of this I end up staying up late most nights just to have some "me" time but end up exhausted the next day.

    So, I've often thought that maybe I need a schedule or list of things to do each day. For example, every Wednesday I would allow myself time to read one magazine. Or maybe a cleaning schedule so that I don't always feel overwhelmed with things that need cleaned.

    Any tips? Do any of you have a schedule and does that help? Does it get better as they get older?
  2. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i hear you!!

    It does get better with consistent nights sleeping thru the night and predictable naps. i've also noticed a huge change in the last few months in their ability to play for 20 or 30 minutes. that's enough to get the dishes done and the bare minimum of house keeping.

    I work FT, out of the home and the kids are in daycare for 20 hours a week - so that may help.

    Do you allow tv, we allow one Mr. Rogers (sometimes 2) a day and that can be very helpful for me time or clean up time.

    As far as I schedule, I wouldn't go that far, but maybe one or two nights a week, when they go to bed, don't worry about anything else. Also, i find it helpful to go to bed early once in awhile, sometimes you just need that long night of sleep!
  3. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    :hug: I'm sorry!

    I guess what helps me is to allow the kiddos to help me do those things. Like planting. I'd give them a "job", whether it is holding the flower, or holding the shovel, or whatever, and then just do it. However, you really have to let go of some of the "it needs to look great" part. When you get "help", it's never again perfect!

    I do think if you aren't getting it, you do need to schedule some "you" time. That's important for your own mental health. It's much more limited, so take clear advantage of it and pick something great :good: And absolutely don't feel guilty about it...those other things will all wait.
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I know some gals on TS use Flygirl for housekeeping "coaching". I got some good tips from it, but they send a lot of email everyday, so it got cumbersome!

    I have to put myself on TS TIMEOUT sometimes to get my stuff done. I'll reward myself with TS time when I get stuff done! Also, I read my magazine while I dry my hair. I usually get a page or two read and then finish it within the week. (So many ads!)

    :hug: You'll find the things that work for you. Look at smaller parts instead of the WHOLE of what needs to be done. A toilet takes 2 min. to clean and wipe down, right? So, if you look at one thing at a time like that or let the kiddos have a cartoon and set a 15 min. timer for yourself and just see how many things you can get done in 15 min. I get completely overwhelmed if I look at the whole of what needs to be done, but if I break it down and start with just one thing, it's so much more manageable to me.

    I am not a clean freak or anything at all. I try to pick up most days. I am not disturbed by toys on the ground etc. I have the unique ability to be OK with dishes in the sink overnight. So, I try not to let it bug me, but try to keep up or it gets monumental!

    Hang in there!! :hug: As the kids get older, they'll play more together and you'll be freed up to do more stuff!!
  5. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    When I am home with my kids they are always right beside me. If I leave them playing with toys I helped get them involved with ,in less than 5 min (I have timed) they are alwasy back beside me. I love to have them help me cook-they do for every meal. It takes twice as long but that is ok. But the cleaning of things like bathrooms is terrible with 2 two yr olds. There naps are getting shorter and I can't get the things done I want. Bedtime and naptime have become such an ordeal with 30 to 60 min to get to sleep(this is a new thing) I don't get anything done. Much less any me time. I do usually read a book while they play in the bath as I sit on the toilet. That is about it.

    I wish they would play by themsleves or even watch TV. They will have none of that. If I sit with them (defeats the purpose) they will watch maybe 15 min of Baby Einstein. But that is it. I hope they learn to play more indepedently soon.

    I like the idea of a list of things to do each day. I started one last year when I was working but it never got done but now that I am home again I think I will try to do that.
  6. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I agree w/ pp when they STTN and have predictable naps thats certaintly helpful.
    I think you should definitely schedule YOU time and make sure you get it. I go for moms night every monday at 8pm (we do coffee & dessert!). My kids are in bed, DH is home doing what he wants and Im home by 10pm).
    As for the cleaning, I try to do things like unload/load the dishes when the twins are eating their breakfast in their chairs. We are all in the kitchen and Im not hovering them.
    I clean bathrooms while they are taking a bath. that way Im right there with them but I can still clean the counter/floor/toilet etc while they play with their toys.
    I run the vacuum with them awake, dust (and give them their own socks so they can help!), etc.

    I do have help 1x a week for 2 hours. She comes and does whatever it is I haven't been able to get to (dusting, laundry, moping etc). Im 6 months pregnant and love the help although I dont always need her. Just depends on how I felt and how much I got done during the week. can you afford a couple hours help?
  7. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    I am a huge FlyLadyfan. She is all about routines, baby steps, and upkeep. It has helped me a lot. For example, you recommends that you "Swish and Swipe" the bathroom every day. This basically means you wipe down all the surfaces and do a quick swish in the toilet. This keeps germs from building up and things never look gross. It takes me all of 30 seconds to do and saves me a 30 minute cleaning session that I used to have to do when things got gross.

    She does send out a lot of emails, but I have them go directly into a FlyLady folder in my inbox and take a couple minutes to read them everyday if I have time. If not, I just hit delete. Her emails are very inspiring and helpful when I have a chance to read them.

    Today is my day for my "home blessing hour" where I dust, vacuum, mop, clean mirrors, change sheets, purge paper clutter, and empty trash cans. I only spend 10 minutes doing each, but it makes a huge difference!
  8. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I've heard a lot of great things about FlyLady, but I haven't tried it. I looked at it once and it seemed a bit overwhelming. I may check it out again though, now that I am heading into a full course schedule at school this fall.

    I usually plan all of the absolute essentials, like homework and studying that I *have* to do. Then, I try to fit other things in when I have a break, the boys are watching TV, or at naptime.

    It is hard, and I often do end up staying up later than I'd like to get it all done. I know it's gotten easier as they get older, and I expect that trend will mostly continue over time!
  9. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    I have a set schedule and a DH who helps me a lot so I really don't have too much trouble getting everythign done.

    i work full time during the week and I refuse to let my weekends be ruled by cleaning!! SO everything thursday I do all the laundry, Friday i get up extra early so i can dust, and clean the floors, water the plants before I get ready for work and the girls get up, Friday nights I clean the bathroom (exciting I know!!).

    My girls get baths every other day so when one parent is doing that, the other parent will unload the dishwasher and vacuum.

    Then I have the whole weekends (except Sunday when i do more laundry!) free!

    I also am a big proponet of having the girls "help". They help me set the table, cook, and do all kinds of things outside. they are in charge of handing me hangers for example when i'm folding laundry! I also dont' see anything wrong with some tv to occupy them when you have somethign that needs done right away!

    It is MUCh better now too that the girls can occupy themselves for 20 or so minutes. It's amazing what you can get done in that time when you really put your mind to it!!

    Good luck and hang in there!!
  10. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    It does get better. I work FT and struggle. I gave up on housekeeping a while ago and have someone come in once a week to do "real" cleaning. Generally, I load the dishwasher/clean dishes in the morning before I leave for work and throw a load of clothes in the washer on the way out of the door. I try to clean up the den "tornado central" 2-3 times a week. I generally find time to read while under the dryer or wait until the kids have gone to bed. It does help that my husband and I have a schedule for who puts the kids to bed. He does 3 nights and I do four nights. On his nights, I run and start to do some stuff for me while I have some peace and quiet. Good luck!
  11. happyfor2

    happyfor2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone! I know it will get better over time. And to be honest, some days I actually probably get more done than I think. Today I have managed to do a couple loads of laundry and mopped the kitchen floor. I'd say that is an accomplishment. I will definately check out FlyLady though - sounds interesting!

    Thanks again!
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