What do I do with my son?? He always is taking off his diaper! I've tried onesies, it worked for the longest time. The day before yesterday I go in his room and he managed to get his diaper off, meanwhile keeping his onesie snapped. But he peed through the onesie. I've tried duct tape just to tape the straps together ... nadda he got that off too! He is ALWAYS taking off his diaper. I don't know what else to do! Help.. I don't want to scrub poop off of his crib anymore, and I don't want to scrub pee off the floor!!! He just is now starting to walk good (no where near his sister yet - she does not take off her diaper, ever). So is this a sign of potty training, if so how do I do it? If not, what do I do??
I have a friend with twins with the same problem and I totally feel for you! To answer your questions YES I think its a sign to start potty training but Im no expert. My suggestions to keep the diapers on are: girls pantyhose and then a onesie a zipper PJ with a button snap across the top of the zipper Putting shorts on
LOL panty hose is funny... should work though! Shorts do not work, he takes off pants/shorts and his diaper. They are both on the floor in the morning.
Anyone else, please help. I don't want to start potty training him too early if this is not a sign....
I agree with some of the suggestions you have gotten so far. Sleep sacks might also help so he won't have access to his diaper (unless he figures out how to unzip them). Does he also let you know when he's gone to the bathroom? Stays dry for a couple of hours at a time? Those might be other indicators that he is ready to potty train. I have not PTed yet (my kids are nowhere near ready), so my advice might be a little limited in that department.
I don't think he's ready to potty train yet. You'll just get too frustrated starting that early. Put him in a footed sleeper that zippers all the way up, like from A Childrens Place.
my daughter went through this but not my son, it's just a phase and it's cool to them because they like that they know how to do it, it's all about independence at this age.....it was a phase but I highly doubt he's ready to pt, she definitely wasn't..... and still isn't.... good luck! The suggestions above sound good, my daughter never did it at night, just during the day in front of me, and covering the diaper with shorts or anything really that was not just a bare diaper helped
I have heard of people putting the diaper on backward so the tabs are at the back of the waist, and then duct taping all the way around, covering with toddler underwear, then a onesie, then some shorts. Hopefully that would be enough to slow him down!! GL! :hug:
:hug: I'm not there with mine [yet] but I feel for ya Have you tried duct taped diapers -and- a onesie?
no advice,just to let you know you are not alone! brook does it all the time, so far we have only had one poo incident, thank goodness. it has worked keeping him in shorts, but he is just startin to get around onesies and shorts. we have sleep bags but he gets out of those too. if i get to the end of my tether with him i think i will buy a few reusable nappies and use safety pins - but i hope it doesnt get that far. anyone with any amazing solutions....!
Here's what I did and it took me 6 months of gross, nasty cleaning up after two boys to figure it out and I was on the verge of designing a toddler straight jacket for napping so I hope I save you some of that... Get a little potty. Tell him he can run naked ALL DAY LONG if he will go potty in the toilet -- not on the floor, not in his bed -- nowhere but in the potty. Then make a HUGE deal about it when he does. My boys insta-trained this way at 20 months and oh how I wish I'd tried it at 14. Their motivation was to be naked; they loved it. Literally, one day I had the carpet machine out several times and the next day zero. Then, it took them a few months to make the connection that they could still do it while clothed BUT the strip and go on the floor/in bed was pretty much over. I told them to go before nap (had to use M&Ms for motivation there) and then put them in a diaper for naptime (and any other time they needed to wear clothes). The first time I saw them pull down pants and remove their diapers to sit on the toilet, I put them in underwear and we didn't look back. They were barely 2. I know it sounds crazy but some kids ARE ready that young and if he's taking off the diaper to pee, he IS showing control and making the connection. A lot of people told me that kids have to be able to tell you when they need to go before you start to train. It's not true! If your child can go independently, they don't have to tell you (though they do need to see you go crazy so they'll want to let you know after they are done for wiping purposes). To this day, my boys have NEVER told me they need to go unless we were out somewhere. Good luck & PM me if you have questions.
Tape, tape and more tape. We’ve tried all the suggestions above, but it seems that taping all the way around his diaper (not just the tabs) is the only way to keep it on. Good luck
I am right there with you. DD1 LOVES to take off her diaper. The only thing we've had any type of success with is taping her diaper shut all the way around. We use masking tape instead of duct tape though or else I don't think I'd even be able to take her diaper off! GL!
I'm with Debi. Don't let people tell you you can't potty train a 15m old. My boys (now 3.5) continue to be nudists, and I WISH I'd had someone tell me in the early stages of our stip-&-piss/dump phase (~16m) that I could start PT w/o being one of 'those overachiever' parents or certifiably crazy. It would have saved me a lot of time and elbow grease cleaning carpets, and the constant battle with keeping waste products in a diaper or toilet made me crazy anyway. I did naked training with my boys. You've got to find the right currency to motivate a kid, and the strippers are easy...they just want to be naked! I showed them a potty training DVD two or three times, talked a lot about where poo poo (my rule was #2 had to be in the big toilet) and pee pee go. Then, told them, "You want to be naked? GREAT. As long as you make sure that pee pee goes in the potty and nowhere else, you can be naked whenever we're home." Worked like a charm. At 15m, I would expect them to 'get' that part of it...but not expect much success while they are clothed (even with just undies or a diaper)...so your actual time of training will be longer than a kid who's older, but you'll still be working/cleaning much, MUCH less, and they'll be primed and ready for full potty training when the time is right. I'd start immediately too, while the weather is still decent...we started in November...brrr. Throw the duct tape away...that's a power struggle you don't need and a hassle you don't want. Hand your kids an opportunity to thrive with the next step toward independence.