Anyone get induced when both babies aren't head down?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by charityhope611, Aug 11, 2009.

  1. charityhope611

    charityhope611 Well-Known Member

    So just wondering about mama's that got induced.. My baby A has been head down and great for a long time, and my baby B has been transverse. I really want to try to have a vaginal delivery. I know there is a risk of one vaginal and on em csection. Have any of you been induced or went into labor with one baby head down and the other baby transverse or even breach. Dr said wouldn't induce or try to deliver if second baby is breach she has to be head down or transverse.

    All of your info and opinions are appreciated!! You ladies are the best! I am 35w5d today! Not too much longer!
  2. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    I was induced and A was vertex, B turned breech the day before my induction. I had a perfect labor/delivery. I actually only needed the prostaglandin gel this time around (no pitocin). Baby B did flip to vertex once A was delivered and she came out 16 mins. later. No issues. I wanted a vag. delivery and I'm very glad it worked out well for us.
  3. kristenlee5

    kristenlee5 Well-Known Member

    I am not there yet, but I just had the conversation with my doctor today. Baby A has been vertex forever and Baby B has been breech forever, so he doesn't expect them to move at this point. He told me he would induce me at 37 weeks if I make it there.
  4. eehrlich

    eehrlich Well-Known Member

    my baby a was head down, baby b breech. and i was induced at 35.1 - water broke (kinda). all went well they were both born vag. 5 min apart. baby b came out butt first. they just reached up, grabbed what they could and guided her out.
  5. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

    Yes, Baby B was Footling Breech and was delivered by Breech Extraction. I was 39w3d when they were born (induced the evening before) Dr. didn't give her much time to flip, she planned on delivering by breech extraction and that's what she did. (they were born 4 minutes apart)
  6. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    Ditto except I will be induced at 38 weeks unless baby a suddenly moves but I doubt it. It does scare me that it may mean both births but I guess we will just have to wait and see. Good luck!!!
  7. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    My Dr. had no problem delivering baby B breech. The reason Drs don't deliver breech babies anymore is that butts and feet don't dilate you as well as a head and there's the possibility of the baby getting stuck. But as long as baby A is the bigger of the 2 and is born vertex, you're all dilated and baby B can come through easily. I was induced w/ baby B breech. After baby A was born, she turned transverse and wouldn't budge, despite the OB almost jumping on me to try (ow). So I did almost have a c-section because you can't have a sideways baby. But then her water broke and she dropped breech. 1 push, the OB grabbed her feet and out she came. They were actually an hour and 6 minutes apart.
  8. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    My baby B was breech as well and was born by breech extraction 4 minutes after his sister ... very smooth and uneventful.
  9. opalbarb

    opalbarb Well-Known Member

    Mine were both head down but I will tell you that I just delivered on Wednesday (about to post my birth story!) and I am SO, SO glad that I delivered vaginally. If I had to do everything that is required in taking care of newborn twins while recovering from surgery it would be like 10 times worse, so if there is any way that you can convince your doc or find one that will deliver the second one regardless of position I would recommend you do it!

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