waking another twin after one is awake

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by abrinka, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    This happens so many times.And I still debating what I should do. My DD sometimes takes shorter naps( like today, only 30 minutes), while DS likes to sleep longer. Since I try to keep them on the same schedule, here is my dilemma- should I let my DS sleep(he might sleep 30-60 minutes longer than DD), or should I wake him up, then when second nap comes around they would go to sleep at the same time.
    Thanks for advice.
  2. someone

    someone Well-Known Member

    I ushually keep them in longer if they only sleep a half hour.. and hope they will go back to sleep longer because a half an hour isn't a very long nap. Do you read Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child? That is my guide.. i keep them in their crib for an hour. One sometimes sleeps longer, but but i won't wake her unless it is getting late and i am afraid it will interfere with her nighttime sleep or next nap (ushually don't want them to sleep longer than two hours). So I let one sleep later than the other, but I still put them down at the same time for the next time and for bedtime, one might just be more tired than the other.
  3. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    I have had the same thing happen. If it is a 30 minute nap I will NOT get them up unless they are screaming....then I give the other one about 15-30 min more if we are talking about naps. In the am however, whenever the first one gets up, we all get up because the first nap comes so quick I need them both tired at the same time. After the first nap, mine are up for like 4 hours so 30 minutes doesn't seem to make a big difference, both are ready to go down at the same time in the afternoon and same from afternoon nap to bedtime is 4 hours so they are ok with one sleeping longer...
    hope that helps!
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I do the same as Paula. Normally DS was a shorter napper then DD, when they took two naps a day he would be up about 30 minutes before her. I did wake them up at the same time so that the naps would be on schedule. Now that we are down to one nap, I let them sleep until they get up. The afternoon nap, we do not let them sleep past 4, so as not to mess up bedtime.
  5. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    I tried to leave in the crib after she wakes up after 30 minutes, but she stands and walks and sings, gets pretty loud, so I have to remove her form the crib.
    I guess I will hope that this will pass soon.
    Thanks for suggestions.
  6. dezmitch

    dezmitch Well-Known Member

    Honestly - we do our naps by time these days. They have a good routine so I nap them at 9 and 2. Looking forward to the 1 nap days so we can do more during the day...but this is it for now. I typically let the sleeping twin get an extra 30 minutes...and they usually end up waking up on their own because they hear me playing with the other one.
  7. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    the rule of thumb in our house is to wake the sleeper 30 minutes after baby 1 wakes, unless there's an obvious reason why she needs more sleep (sick, had a bad night, etc). then i let the sleeper sleep as long as she wants & worry about getting them back on schedule the next day.
  8. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    usually this is what happens at our house too. Luckily I dont have to wake one very often, they wake on their own. As much as I like having them on a similar schedule I enjoy the one on one time I have with each baby as well! I dont think one child should be deprived of sleep just because their sibling has gotten their fill. To me its kinda like if one kid finishes dinner quickly and is done, do you take dinner away from the other and say OH WELL you have to wait till the next meal?
    Sleep is a very important need for them at this age.
  9. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    I never thought about it that way, your comment about the dinner and eating and you are absolutely right. It's all about treating them as individuals and yes mine finish eating at different times too.....
    Thanks for putting it in perspective.....
  10. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I usually would let them stay in the crib for a full hour - awake or asleep. If one wanted to nap longer, I always let them, but I am at the extreme end of valuing sleep. I feel that if they are sleeping it's because it's what their body needs so I don't interfere unless we have somewhere we HAVE to be. In you case, if you get your DD up and DS is still sleeping, I think that a 30-minute difference in the amount of sleep is not too bad and I would let him sleep. If she slept for 30 mins and he slept for 3 hours, then you might have problems!

    GL with the crazy twin sleep game!
  11. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I wake up the other one after 30 minutes (I guess it's less true now that we have a fixed schedule and it doesn't really make much a difference if they wake up even one hour apart).
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