Comments about ID twins...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by scrappycindy, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. scrappycindy

    scrappycindy Well-Known Member

    My girls are suspected ID (no DNA test to prove it) and it really is starting to bother me when people ask which one is which and I'll tell them and they'll giggle and ask "are you sure?" Ugh! Good grief...people think they are so funny. Personally, if I mixed them up and didn't know for sure who was who, I'd be devestated. I have one of Hannah's toenails painted just so I won't ever let that happen.
  2. qfmom2009

    qfmom2009 Well-Known Member

    We painted both girls nails just in case one rubbed off just because I freaked at the thought of mixing them up. One is pink and the other dd is purple.

    I would feel awful for mixing them up, too.
  3. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    At least yours are suspected ID. I don't know how many people (including family) ask me which is which...come on, really? I know babies don't have hair or other strong features, but I just think it's so obvious which is which!!! We have lots of twins in our family (ID and frat) and I've always been able to tell them apart - I just think it takes a little effort...
  4. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I'd tell them "Oh they are too little to know their names at the moment, so we just call them whichever name we feel like." :stir: (OK, I probably wouldn't really, but I'd be tempted too).
  5. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    people are constantly asking us if we ever get the boys mixed up. which is crazy to me, because we think they look very very different. i can't seem to explain to people that we CAN'T get them mixed up because they don't look identical to us. when i say that people just look at me like i'm lying.

    so eventually i just mention jacob's birthmark on his chest and that seems to be the answer people want to hear.

    people have such weird baggage about identical twins. they're either too identical or not identical enough, depending on who you talk to! :lol:
  6. qfmom2009

    qfmom2009 Well-Known Member

    Holy Mackeral.....I'm feeling awful.....Our baby girls are almost 6 wks and I can't tell them apart without the nail polish. :(
  7. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    DH has started to get snippy when people ask how we can tell which girl is which. At the doctor's office when someone asked how we tell them apart he said "We just look at their faces."
  8. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    Do be upset but I'm going to come to the defense of all those people that can't tell IDs apart. I'm one of those people. Why? cuz their not my kids. I'm not around them all the time. My twins are ID. I can tell them apart really easily if I pay attention. I have to admit that sometimes when I'm busy busy busy, I'll pick up which ever one is crying, not really paying close attention. I'll think I'm holding Noah and then a little later I'll look down and kind of laugh at myself when it turns out it is actually Luke. Ooops.
    1 person likes this.
  9. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have to agree with Leslie, when it's not your children you do have a much harder time telling ID's apart. That's cause mommy and daddy know their kids own little "idiosyncracies". You know this one lifts the right corner of their mouth higher when they smile. This one likes to bat with their left hand. This one chews on things and this one sucks on them....etc. People on the outside don't know those distinguishing characteristics that make each child unique.

    So I understand you being upset about the remarks, but remember most people rarely, if ever, encounter twins let alone identical twins. ;)

    I find it ridiculous people can't tell my b/g twins apart even when they are wearing pink and blue! Now that's funny right there! :laughing: I feel like saying "For shits and giggles I dressed my boy in pink and my girl in blue today!" :rofl:
  10. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    Ok, I laughed out loud when I read this! That is the best response ever! I love it!
  11. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    One day when she was just about 3, Bianca said to me, when I was a baby I used to be called Gabby. That made my heart stop for a moment. But Bianca has a mole that she's had since birth, so I know they didn't get mixed up.
  12. talivstouwe

    talivstouwe Well-Known Member

    We get that quite a bit - people will insinuate that we mix them up. Our boys are ID, but, to DH and I they look like siblings and that is it. :) I don't see it.

    However - our families and friends, when they have not been around them for a week or so, will mix them up. They always say that we don't mix them up because we are around them constantly, and that is so true.

    Now - when the boys were 4 months and younger - if we didn't keep them in their "color" - Jacob was blue and Boden was green - I would definitely mix them up.

    If I don't see their face I sometimes won't know who is who - but then again - if I hear both of them I know which little guy is which.
  13. dmildred

    dmildred Active Member

    Lisa, don't feel to bad...It took me 3 weeks to tell mine apart and they are fraternal!

  14. mamammbs2

    mamammbs2 Well-Known Member

    Well, if Lisa feels bad then I feel worse because our ID girls are 5 1/2 months and we still cannot tell them apart without their nail polish! I am not exaggerating when I say this. We have searched high and low for a mark on their body and have found nothing. However, I have noticed a difference in personality that is staying true to each over the last couple of weeks. I use to think I had personalities figured out and then they would switch on me! Maybe I am just a bad mom who can't tell her children apart.
  15. angelf

    angelf Well-Known Member

    I'm with you. Mine are 10.5 months, and if it weren't for the birthmark on the back of Liam's neck, I'd have nothing to go on. My guys switch up on looks and personality often. Let me tell you what an idiot I feel like when I have to look at the BACK of my kid's head to know who is who. Especially when I have people tell me that they look so different. Makes me feel like I deserve the bad mom of the year award.
  16. talivstouwe

    talivstouwe Well-Known Member

    Don't be so hard on yourselves!! If your babies look identical, it isn't terribly crazy for you not to be able to tell them apart!!

    I have a friend with ID boys, and they are 2.5 years old. She and her hubby still have trouble telling these boys apart! They are SO identical!

    There have been times when I wish our boys looked more identical so I didn't question it.
  17. Ashleigh81

    Ashleigh81 New Member

    My girls are 6 months now.. we haven't had them tested but they look identical.. but there were 2 sacs and 2 placentas... People always ask are they identical, and i say.. 'i don't know' then they look at me funny. I also have trouble telling them apart sometimes.. im scared to leave them with someone, because they might get mixed up, then when i come back i won't know who is who.. and i feel like a bad mom sometimes for now knowing! They do swap personalities too! one week, one is loud and giggly.. then next week she is serious and the other is giggly! Geez.. i think they are going to be cheeky little girls when they are older!
  18. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    LOL I was so embarassed when he said that! We were both stressed out b/c we had two sick babies and were at the doctor's office, but other people are just curious about twins. Especially super cute twins. ;) I told the people that we keep different color earrings in each baby's ears.
  19. angs241

    angs241 Well-Known Member

    I get people asking me if mine are identical all the time, even though they are boy/girl. I'm getting kind of used to that, but a few weeks ago a cashier asked, we said they were b/g, and she still tried to convince me that they looked the same...I think she just felt a little silly and was trying to smooth it over. It made me giggle though :)
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