Poll for those 17-19 months on what they are doing

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by E&Msmom, Aug 8, 2009.


How old is your child?

  1. 17 months

  2. 18 months

  3. 19 months

  4. other

  1. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Just curious what others kids are doing.
    My little ones are 17 months old and are using between 20-30 words but still sign for about 10 others.
    My son can jump up and down (both feet off the ground) and walk up/down stairs with a handrail. My daughter is no where close to doing either of those things.

    My son could get by on 12 hours of sleep total (if I let him :) ) and my daughter is a sleeping beauty! I think if it weren't for her brother she would definitely still be a 15 hour sleeper.
    My kids are totally different from one another, so I'm wondering how they compare to others.
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I didn't answer your poll because my girls are 22 months now (although they are only 19 months adjusted), and I didn't want to skew your results.

    At 16 Months my girls had over 50 words that they used in the correct context and on their own. By 19 Months it was well over 100 words. I stopped counting once it got to 100, but my girls have a ton of words and now use 2-4 word phrases. They can both count to 10 on their own and understand the concept of counting. They know most of their Alphabet (they get a couple letters mixed up here and there), and know about 5 different colors.

    Both of my girls could jump with both feet off the ground at 18 months, and they have been walking up and down the stairs since they were about 15-16 months.

    Both of my girls are really good sleepers. They typically sleep form 7:30pm-8:00/8:30am, and they take a nap from 12:30-3:00 each day.
  3. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    I've voted with Elliot in mind as he is the more advanced one in terms of language. But physically, Max is able to do more than Ellie. They are very very different. Max's language is just now beginning to develop into more pronounced words although he understands everything.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Both of mine can pretty much understand what we say and are saying new words every day. They do not jump yet (probably a good thing right now), and can go up steps unassisted. I think they could go down the steps unassisted but they tend not to pay attention and go way too fast down the steps, so I am trying to teach them go slow. They are pretty good sleepers, though this week they've been boycotting their nap for some unknown reason.
  5. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    My girls are 19 months (17 adjusted). Annelise is able to say "bye" and "what's that?" Karina has zero words. I am having them evaluated for speech, but I am not overly concerned since their receptive language is good. Neither can jump or use stairs unassisted. Annelise can identify 5 body parts (nose, chin, knee, toes, belly) by pointing. Karina can't do any of that because I can't get her to sit still long enough to teach it to her. Karina is a good sleeper and sleeps 12-13 hours at night and 2-3 hours for naps. Annelise used to be a good sleeper (although she needed less sleep), but is now boycotting nap and night-time sleep. :(
  6. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Interesting article I read last night (and I wish I could find it again but I cant!) said that children that are actively learning/progressing or are more advanced at their current age generally need less sleep.
    It struck me as odd, but then I thought, maybe they dont need as much rest becausee their brains are just working so much all the time? and the sleepers need the rest because they are making the brain connections they will need to learn new things in the future....
  7. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    both of mine have about 10-12 words, and sign another 3-4. neither can jump, but i only showed them jumping recently and they are both eager to try it. they can both run up stairs unassisted and walk down holding a rail or someone's hand. mine are both sleeping about 13 hours/total a day.

    they have completely different personalities (one has total stranger anxiety, the other would walk off w/anyone and everyone), but they are pretty similar in the things you mentioned:).
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