Corporal Punishment in schools

Discussion in 'General' started by a1cbrandy, Aug 7, 2009.


Does your area;s school school still paddle?

  1. Yes, and I support it

  2. Yes, and I do not support it.

  3. NO WAY!!

  4. Other-explain

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. a1cbrandy

    a1cbrandy Well-Known Member

    I guess this is something I just dont see a big deal about. Like I kids arent getting the paddlings, but there are other kids out there who get no punishment or discipline at home, who do need this at school.

    And yes I believe if you teach kids early enough in life to be respectful, things like bring guns to school..and killing other people may not happen. Laugh if you want..I guess I am just a dreamer.

  2. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    They do not have it here in MI. I'd be super pissed if I heard of my kids getting spanked or hit by a teacher.
  3. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Do you think if they are getting no punishment or discipline at home, that their parents are signing the permission slip to be spanked?

    Yes, spanking kids is really going to make them not bring guns to school. Get real. There are much larger issues in a child's life if he's bringing a gun to school. My children are well-behaved and respectful without spanking.
  4. twin_trip_mommy

    twin_trip_mommy Well-Known Member

    I don't think paddling in school will do any good because those children who are let to run loose and are undisciplined at home will most likely have parents who will not allow paddling at school. Then those children are are disciplined at home and have a healthy fear, yes I said fear. I don't mean afraid I mean concern that they will disappoint their parent will most likely not do something that would require a paddling at school. JMO

    I do agree that children are not being disciplined enough at home or taught respect. I see many parents now a days raising their children to do what feels best or right to them and not worry about what other people think. It's becoming a me world filled with selfish self centered undisciplined children that don't care about other people. Okay that was a tangent rant.
  5. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Just my two cents...
    I teach at a public middle school in MS that has lots of discipline problems. Parents have to sign whether or not their child can be paddled but I honestly do not know how many students we have who can/cannot. I don't have a homeroom so I don't see any of that stuff turned in and only administrators can do it (with a witness of course) so they have the list. Anyways, in the two years I've been there I don't remember many (if any?) kids getting paddled. I don't know if this is because the only ones who CAN don't get into trouble or what. Like others have mentioned, yea, if the kid had to choose they would probably choose a few minutes of pain over detention. However, if it was home suspension, we have a lot of kids that WOULD consider that a vacation and whose parents would not care that they were suspended. I'm NOT saying paddling fixes that. Just wanted to point out that unfortunately, in a lot of cases sometimes kids are not receiving any kind of discipline at home and there are parents out there who believe it is the school's responsibility to teach their kids discipline and respect. These are the students that we have to work with the hardest and really push to succeed. And honestly, maybe not with corporal punishment, some of these kids need a little extra discipline because nobody else in their life has cared enough about them to show them ANY form of discipline. Our school uses In School Suspension and alternative school and these methods seem to work fine. Kids do NOT want to spend the day away from their buddies doing work in another room. Also, if they are assigned ISS they are not able to participate in any extracurricular activities that day (i.e. a football player assigned ISS the day of a game would not be able to play that night). That's usually motivation for a lot of kids to stay out of trouble.
    Sorry, that was a long rant. What I'm trying to say I guess is that in my experience teaching at two different schools is that taking away a privilege is a much bigger punishment for most kids than getting a paddling.

    ETA: I'm pretty sure I know what school Brandy is talking about and it is a good school academically speaking.
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  6. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, yes, this is the case sometimes.
  7. a1cbrandy

    a1cbrandy Well-Known Member

    You misunderstood..I think the ones that need punishment at school, are the ones who get no attention at school. There are many kids in Mississippi that dont even get noticed by their parents..and are sent to school having no attention. So they act out. These are the ones I think need to be taught respect and no not just spanking at school.

  8. a1cbrandy

    a1cbrandy Well-Known Member

    Thank you Debbie. You explained things better than I could...

  9. Kathlene

    Kathlene Well-Known Member

    I believe in spanking. I spank my kids when needed. I do not want my children to be spanked at school. I was surprised to hear it was legal here in Sc. they should offer ISS here. We moved here when my son was starting 7th grade. The big thing here is to suspend for every little thing. Definitely not a deterent! I would honestly have to say to some kids it is actually an incentive.
  10. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    As the mother of a 12 year old that was (we just moved up north) the mouth of the south and a horrible nightmare for his teachers (His teacher actually told me that she had never had a 10 yr old talk to her the way mine did when he was in the 4th grade). They have tried everything. He loves in school suspension . Nothing they have done curves the behavior. we even punish him at home but the next day he is back at it - he tells it like it is, if he thinks the assignment is lame he says it, if he thinks the teacher is being unfair to one child and favors another, he lets it be known. If he thinks the teacher is eating one to many doughnuts it's out there and he says it like he thinks it no tact at all. It is a really bad problem. that being said I would not let the school paddle him. I think that gives an even worse impression of the teacher or principal than he already has and would make him even worse. I made him write the definition of tact 1,000 times and apolgize to his teacher he is finally coming around - paddling him would last a couple of minutes and it would have been like groundhog day over and over again.
  11. Code

    Code Well-Known Member

    My older brother who is almost 22 actually got kicked out of school when he was in year 8 so about 13/14 years old. The school couldnt handle him (ADHA) he was a bad child in school although at home he wasnt so bad (still a pain) I think the way that teachers punish children should depend on the child. I see people being idiots (nice term to what I mean) and not getting in trouble. then see others on the high end of the scale. Recently there were drugs brought into the school by year 12 students they have been charged over it. I dont think a paddle would work. A teacher did physically hit my brother and left bruises because he was going to attack another child who hit him over the head with a cricket bat :blink:

    I think punishment should be dealt with but dont think a paddle would work, kids will be kids maybe its because I havent been in trouble but looking at the generational aspects I feel sorry for teachers as their there to help and get treated badly - highschool ways I mean.

    Children in primary school dont really get into that much trouble do they??
  12. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    Sorry I had to :lol: and :cry: a little at this question. In the elementary school my BF teaches at (in my city) they have drugs, knives, and other illegal things brought into the school several times a year. Violence is common. Vandalism is also a big problem. They have a person in the school specifically to handle physical confrontations with students. I live in a nice neighborhood on the edge of a horrible city that is full of crime and drugs. These things show themselves in the school just like any other place. It starts as early as kindergarten. So, yes, discipline can certainly be an issue in elementary school.

    Granted, this is an extreme example (did I mention it is the worst school district in the state?), but I've seen some doozies in every school, K-12, I have volunteered, observed, or substitute taught at (I was an education major). Even one of the better schools in the state!

    BTW, there is no way in the world we will be sending our kids to our school district.
  13. jamey

    jamey Well-Known Member

    I don't think our district allows it, but I know the district I grew up in did. It was a smaller, more rural district. I got "swats" in high school. The athletic director did it (boy, he had an arm!), and two teachers witnessed it. I had to bend over & grab the side of the desk, and it was just a regular paddle. I got three swats, and it was over. It was done at a "scheduled" time (waiting was brutal). It was in an office, and no kids saw/heard anything. I did it to avoid suspension, as a suspension for me would've been similar to what Ruby described!

    As for my kids.. I would never allow it in K-8. I spank, but only use my hand - and it's not 1/10th as hard as a real "swat". If my high school child got into trouble, and wanted to take swats, I would allow it. If they continue to get into trouble after that, then I would look for another discipline method.
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