teeth coming in..

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nateandbrig, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    My dd has been extremely fussy for the past couple days and I could not figure out why!! Let me rewind a bit. Aly didn't get a single tooth until she was 13.5 months old. Her first teeth to come in were her two top teeth, then 2 weeks later she got her two bottom teeth.... Well now she's 18.5 months old and has had no signs of any other teeth until a couple days ago. So I immediatly feel around for the two teeth that come on the sides of the top two and bottom two... nope nothing. Well I was feeling around my ds mouth because he's breaking in his bottom molars (these are 11 and 12 for him) and she opened her mouth for me to check her (she NEVER does this!) and I feel around and sure enough her top right molar is popping through!!
    I know that this is all in the realm of "normal" but this is strange to me... Can anyone relate?
  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    My boys got their teeth in very different orders. Jake was usually 1-2 months behind Ryan so when Ryan's molars came in I didn't even think Jake would be ready. Sure enough, 2 weeks later, he had two coming in. Ryan wound up getting all 4 at once and Jake just had the 2 for a while. Very weird to me as well as they are identical and are "supposed" to get their teeth in the same order.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine are fraternal and definitely get their teeth in different order. Luke started teething first, right now he has 16 teeth (with 2nd year molars starting) and Sophia is just getting in teeth 15 & 16 -I am really drawing a blank as to what the teeth are called that she is getting in, I think it's the bottom incisiors...Luke got his top and bottom ones at the same time, where as she gets them 2 at a time.
  4. sjohnson813

    sjohnson813 Well-Known Member

    My boys are getting their teeth in a VERY strange order. They got their top lateral incisors first (the two next to the middle teeth). Then the two bottom middle teeth, then the top middle teeth. Now they are getting their first right molar (still no lateral incisors on the bottom) The got all their teeth within two weeks of each other on mirror image sides)
  5. lorig6

    lorig6 Well-Known Member

    My son got his in this exact same order! He is 21 months old and just cut 1 of the lateral incisors on the bottom. My DD cut hers a while ago but only 1 came in. She only has 3 teeth on the bottom.
  6. rudy893

    rudy893 Member

    My boys are suppose to be identical - according to the delivering dr (although no one else sees how). But they both got teeth at the same time, just in opposite order. They both got top fronts 1st (one guy got left tooth & then right, visa versa for younger twin), then they got 2-4 teeth in at once, just in opposite order.

    As of today... both boys are cutting eight, yes EIGHT teeth at the same time. (it's the last 8, so at this point, they might just as well get it over with). But they're both getting their "fangs" & 2nd year molars.
    (did I mention we have a 4 month old puppy teething at the same time? :) )
  7. Fletchie

    Fletchie Well-Known Member

    I had the same problem. DD only has 6 teeth in front. But with all the fussiness, I started feeling around, and sure enough - it was the top right molar! DS got his lower right molar the same day, but already has his front 8 teeth. It's amazing what a little Oragel can do!
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