Using utensils

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Natalochka, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. Natalochka

    Natalochka Well-Known Member

    My girls turned one yesterday (I can't believe it!!). I have given them a fork or spoon to play with just a few times recently. One of my girls managed to get it in her mouth after I put food on it - but only twice. When did everyone start their little ones with utensils? When did they catch on? Also, how did you encourage them to use the utensils rather than fingers? TIA!!
  2. eechy

    eechy Well-Known Member

    Hey there - keep on trying! I don't know when we started exactly. Maybe around 11 or 12 months. Just doing what you are - letting them play with them. Then if they were eating something forkable, I'd put it on and have them feed themselves. Then in the past couple weeks I've been giving them forks w/ their food in the short sippy cups (the take and toss ones work well). I find the 90 degree sides help them use the fork better than a sloped bowl or plate. Now they're both really good with forks, and we're going to work on spoons next. Refried beans have been good spoon practice, because they seem to stay on the spoon even if they end up upside down, which is like, EVERY TIME. Have fun with it!
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree, just keep on trying. Mine have a pretty good hang of forks and are hit and miss with spoons. I have been trying on and off with utensils since 12 months. Good luck!
  4. eechy

    eechy Well-Known Member

    I love that I said, "Keep on trying." Well, DUH! Sorry, I hardly think you were considering just giving up on utensils altogether just because they're not perfect at it at 12 months. What a dumb thing for me to say!
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I didn't start with utensils until more like 15 months, but I have no idea why. I think it just didn't occur to me :rolleyes: BTW, Happy birthday girlies!!! Remember to update your tickers ;)
  6. Natalochka

    Natalochka Well-Known Member

    haha! no worries! :)

  7. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    We've been giving utensils at every meal for what seems like FOREVER!
    Mine are 17 months and I agree with PP, we use spoons with sticky foods like refried beans, oatmeal, mashed potatoes and they seem to do OK.
    We use forks for meat.
    They are great at getting it into their mouths once I have it on the utensil but we are STILL working on the scoop/stab concepts. They do love their utensils even if they cant quite use them.
    Id say just offer them at every meal. let them watch you demonstrate how to use them when you sit and eat with them :)
  8. BeckiAllen1130

    BeckiAllen1130 Well-Known Member

    I think we started around 15 months. Mine still aren't perfect with them although they use them at almost every meal.
  9. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    for those of you whose LOs use utensils - do you put the food on a plate, bowl, or the highchair tray? I tried bowls a few months ago that suctioned to the trays and gave up on them... our LOs are getting better if I "load" the spoon my dd will get it to her mouth really well. my ds totally flips it over... they are 15 months old, and sometimes its just easier to feed them... or let them use their hands. But obviously it would be better if they learned... so I'm trying to keep at it!
  10. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    We dont use bowls or plates. we still use our trays. Once we get the utensils down I think we will add bowls/plates to the mix.
  11. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I just recently started giving my guys spoons to hold while we're feeding them (after finger foods). Occasionally we'll take the spoons and dip them in the food and guide them to their mouths so they get the idea. I think they're a long way from really getting it, but I figure it's a start! They are a lot less fussy during feedings when they're holding their own utensils too.

    Happy Birthday to your girls; they share a birthday with my boys! :D
  12. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    We just started giving them utensils to hold [seems that's the only way they'll eat sometimes [​IMG] ]. I'm curious to know when they stop picking things up off their tray [i.e. plates] and throwing them off. I always just give food on their high chair tray and clean it every feeding.
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