Where did your babies sleep?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by rhc0607, Aug 3, 2009.

  1. rhc0607

    rhc0607 Well-Known Member

    Right now we swaddle our boys and put them in their bouncies to sleep. We have tried swaddling them and putting them in their PNP, but if they have just eaten they will spit up for the next 30min. We have also tried putting them in the PNP unswaddled and they just move their arms and legs, crying until we pick them up. We are trying to transition into the PNP, but with the spit up issues I don't know where else to let them sleep other then their bouncies. Where did your babies sleep the first couple of months and how did you transition to the crib/PNP??
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine slept in the crib/PNP as often as they were willing to. When they were swaddled a lot of times they would sleep fine in the PNP/crib. If they fussed I put them in their bouncy or swing. I didn't make them sleep full time in their cribs until they out-grew the bouncy/swing. Most nights they did sleep in the crib or PNP but if they were fussy and wanted to sleep elsewhere I let them. I wouldn't worry about it for a few more months!
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Try elevating the PNP mattress with some towels underneath to create an incline. That worked well for us. That way they could still be swaddled and in the PNP.

    But ours also slept in their bouncies, swings, and on us to be elevated. We went cold turkey into the crib at 4 months without issues. GL!
  4. Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem Ipsum Well-Known Member

    At first ours slept swaddled in the crib, until we discovered issues with spitting up and reflux. Then it was sleepsacks in the car seats for several months. Once spitting up and reflux became less of an issue they switched to sleeping in their cribs.
  5. talivstouwe

    talivstouwe Well-Known Member

    Our boys slept together in a crib for about a month after they came home, but then we started having them sleep in their own crib, each in a bouncy seat. Their reflux was pretty bad and even if we laid them flat 1/2 hour after eating they would spit it up. So, this was our solution. It worked really well for us, and we did that until their reflux got better.
  6. faerieprncs

    faerieprncs Well-Known Member

    My girls refused to sleep in their PNP...we thought they were just bad sleepers and were having day/night issues...until we found that they would sleep like little logs in bed with us...we aren't a family bed people, so this was not okay with us...we tried putting them in their crib (together)...and voila!...they slept like logs. I think they didn't like the PNP mattress/bassinet feature. It wasn't hard/firm enough. If you are having trouble with them sleeping int he PNP, try them on a more traditional mattress. Good luck!
  7. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    For the first few weeks, L&L slept wherever I could get them to sleep. Swing, carseat, bouncy chair, pnp, cosleeper, crib. Eventually they slept in the co-sleeper at night & napped in the pnp until they were too big, then I transitioned them to the crib.
  8. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    Same here! One of my DD's had reflux issues and she slept in her infant car seat for months. Sometimes one would be in her swing while the other was in her car seat. What ever works for you in the first couple of months do it! The transition is easy, once they get bigger you'll test it out again and realize they are okay to sleep laying down.
  9. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    We did all of the above! I bought a crib mattress elevator and put it under the crib sheet. It worked great. I didn't swaddle my boys, but it still worked well.
  10. rhc0607

    rhc0607 Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I didn't even know they made these...I will be picking one up!
  11. DayDreamin

    DayDreamin Well-Known Member

    Like some of the pp's, mine also have terrible reflux, but they do sleep together in the pnp. I went to Bed Bath & Beyond and got some bed heighteners to elevate one side of the pnp. Works great, and rarely do they spit up when I put them down for the night. We are hoping to move them into their cribs within the next month, and I plan on taking the bed heighteners off the pnp and using them on the cribs too :D .
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