Question for other Twin Mommies

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by mommymichael, Aug 2, 2009.

  1. mommymichael

    mommymichael Member

    I'm due Feb 20th. I'm just about 11 weeks along and I'm measuring at 16 weeks. I'll be having my ultrasound on Tuesday, but I was wondering... is that what it was like for you other twin moms?

    I have two older kids (2 and 1yrs old) and have had two miscarriages, and I'm a pro at finding my fundal height. I pointed it out to my midwife and felt so validated when she told me I was right.

    My nausea was 10 times worse than with my other two (couldn't get off the couch without making it worse!), and generally when I miss my period I don't get a positive pregnancy test until a week past my missed period. It happened all 4 times that way. Where as this time it was on the DAY of my missed period that it popped positive. A bright blue line just staring at me!

    I can't wait for the ultrasound and do hope that it is twins. My hubby is wanting this to be our last, where I could just keep going! So if it's twins, it's a total win for me!
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    my girls were my first pregnancy so i couldn't really compare the symptoms to anything else, but when i went for my first doctor's appointment (around 9 weeks) he kept asking me about my dates & if i was sure, etc. it seemed to him that i was farther along than i thought, so he scheduled an u/s to double check my dates. we'd been officially trying though for a couple of months & i had been making a point to track all of my dates so i was pretty sure of them. right at the end of the appointment he sort of casually asked if twins ran in my family. that's when the light bulb went on for me. i had my u/s at 11 weeks & sure enough, there were two! :wub: it's a crazy journey, but so rewarding.
  3. mommymichael

    mommymichael Member

    I see by your little ticker that you're still breastfeeding your twins. I've BF both my boys (my second nursed longer than my first and weaned himself at 16 months)
    how was it for you and nursing twins? i'm sure it'll be a interesting thing for me to nurse two. I would have with my boys, but my eldest weaned during my pregnancy with my second.
  4. brieh

    brieh Well-Known Member

    We did IVF so we knew it was likely twins. My first few fundal measurements were all reading a month bigger than I was so that is similar to you. Hope you get what you wish for!!
  5. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    With my twins, I was measuring large, but was no sicker than I was with my singleton pregnancy. I did also measure big with my singleton pregnancy. Both my pregnancies were ideal. No morning sickness or anything. Have you not had an ultrasound yet? I know I got one at about 8 weeks.
  6. mommymichael

    mommymichael Member

    I had one at 5 weeks to determine how far along I was. We barely saw anything at all. only one sac. didn't see a baby/babies.

    i'm having an ultrasound this tuesday. I have a homebirth midwife, so they generally don't do a lot of ultrasounds unless called for.
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :Clap: Congrats on your twins!! I didn't have any symptoms or sickness (I know I was lucky) with either my singleton or twin pregnancy. I was also measured bigger with my twins. I had an u/s at every visit with my peri. :good: And my OB used an u/s at every visit to hear the heartbeasts. :good:
  8. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    Hi, I had so much morning sickness, that I sort of knew something was off. My first pregnancy was a breeze, no sickness whatsoever. This pregnancy, I was sick until about week 20. At week 14 I had a nuchal scan, and that's when we found out it was twins. I measured about 2 weeks ahead at that point. When I delivered I was approx. 10 weeks ahead!
  9. hammjl

    hammjl Active Member

    I never really measured ahead at the beginning. I had some cramping and bleeding and they thought I had an ectopic pregnancy so they ordered and ultrasound. I was 5 weeks and there were two sacs but no babies. We went back 2 weeks later and there were 2 little peanuts in there! At first I and dh were so overwhelmed, but know we couldn't have imagined it any other way! Our twins are due in October, but will def becoming either in August or September (hopefully in Sept!!!)
  10. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    My symptoms have been the same with my two singleton pregnancies and my current twin pregnancy. I did not measure ahead until I was around 16-18 weeks this time.
  11. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    it's been really great! i'm actually in the process of partially weaning the girls as i'm going back to work in september, but i'm hoping they'll continue nursing in the mornings & evenings for a while yet. i really enjoy our nursing time together & will miss it when they're done. that being said though, the first 4 months were the most overwhelming & difficult months of my life - not just the BFing, but having twinfants in general. my girls were 6 weeks early so they had latch and suck issuess - it was a long, painful time until we were able to nurse exclusively. i wanted to quit so many times, but am glad that in the end i didn't.

    if the u/s does confirm twins for you, & you do want to BF i would recommend checking out the BFing subforum on here - there's an incredible group of supportive ladies there who have all BTDT. they're super informed & very encouraging. i wouldn't have made it through those early weeks without them.
  12. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My twins were my first (and last) pregnancy, so I cannot compare. I know I had a lot nausea during the first three months, I did not measure bigger then usual at first. I went for my first u/s at 9 weeks to date the pregnancy and that was when I found out it was twins. I saw the OB monthly and had a u/s each time and they measured the heartbeat. Good luck on your pregnancy!
  13. talivstouwe

    talivstouwe Well-Known Member

    I know something was different with my twin pregnancy right away. In fact, we joked about it the day before we found out - we had a birthday party for our dd and we joked with everyone that I thought I was having twins. The next day we found out I was right! :)

    All of my symptoms were exaggerated compared to my pregnancy with my singleton daughter. My boobs were painful and very veiny, I was exhausted, and my morning sickness was ridiculous. It was at 8 weeks that I started thinking something was up. :)

    Good luck - I hope it is twins! They are such a huge blessing!
  14. arkie

    arkie Well-Known Member

    I found out at 7 weeks that they were two, I didn't make the connection to twins, all I thought was this time it must be a girl, because I had heard that you are more sick with girls. My morning sickness was all day sickness and off the charts! At my first appointment and ultrasound I got the answer why I felt like I had permanent food poisioning! :bad:
    My morning sickness went over around 19 weeks and now I feel great! Good luck at the doctors :good:
  15. WaterGuzzler

    WaterGuzzler Well-Known Member

    I,too, am very familiar with my fundal height. When it was already out of my pelvis at 7-8 wks I thought something was up. My first appt was just labwork and they called me in for an exam due to high hcg levels the next wk. Sure enough I was measuring 3-4 wks ahead. my exhaustion lasted for much longer than with my other 2 pgs. I couldn't tell you how much bigger I measured later in the pg because they stopped measuring because they said it wasn't accurate with twins. I hope you get what you want :) oh, my pg test showed positive at the same time as my singletons-9dpo.
  16. sparkle77

    sparkle77 Well-Known Member

    It was my first pregnancy so I didnt have anything to compare it to, but the U/S showed twins at about about 5 weeks 4 days, which I dont think is uncommon. I believe that they can usually tell fairly early on U/S. Good luck to you.
  17. pittmane

    pittmane Well-Known Member

    I have no idea what my fundal height was at my first appointment or how it compared to other pregnancies, but my OB did a brief scan and told me she thought it was twins then - she said we'd know for sure when we had a better ultrasound at the perinatologist. I did, however, pee on a stick 5 days before my expected period and got the positive test. I never had any morning sickness (lucky me). I hope you get what you're hoping for!
  18. mommymichael

    mommymichael Member

    That's what I kept thinking! that it's just a girl. everybody kept telling me the same thing. I kept thinking, GEEZE! "this is insane though!!" It got to the point that I was taking nausea medicine just to stay sane, which I prefer not to do.. My husband is Navy so he leaves sometimes for months, and had been gone, and it was so bad I needed help taking care of my boys from close friends. I joked it was because my first two were so easy that I couldn't get it that easy all three times.

    My U/S is tomorrow, and now I keep thinking what if it's not? Not that it's a bad thing to have a single baby.. just that I'd love to have twins!
  19. mommymichael

    mommymichael Member

    My first ultrasound was at a planned parenthood (just because I knew I could call and get one from them) that's where they saw a sac but no baby... they took my hcg levels and found there were 5500.. and called me the next day "with levels that high we would have liked to see a bigger baby... we think it's ectopic!!" it obviously wasn't. I told her "listen, i'm not having any pain or bleeding.. I'll call you if I do." she didn't like that answer, but i'm way too laid back to go crying back into the office without symptoms first. lol

    so for levels like that at 5 weeks, is that high? could that be a sign for twins as well? i'm not familiar with hcg levels..
  20. meggz123

    meggz123 New Member

    High HCG levels are a definite indicator of twins. I was having spotting around 6 weeks and went in for blood work. My levels were extremely high and they had me come in for an ultrasound the next day. Sure enough, there were twins!
  21. talivstouwe

    talivstouwe Well-Known Member

    High HCG levels can be an indicator for twins - but not always. I was talking to a girl recently that had super, super high numbers and her docs thought she was either pg with twins or having an ectopic pregnancy, and neither was true. She is now 6 months pg with one baby. :)

    I've had morning sickness with both genders, of kids, so I'm not one to believe anything about gender affecting morning sickness. :)
  22. natasha163

    natasha163 Well-Known Member

    so what were your hcg levels?
  23. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    This post is from August! What in the world is going on?? Of course she isn't going to reply!! I sure would love to know what happened but it's highly unlikely that she'll reply now!! LOL.
  24. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    whoops nevermind, just realized the time this post was created
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