The Whining & Crying

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ldrane, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Is there a turning point, a magical age, a moment in time when the whining & crying decreases dramatically? I swear, if it is not one it is the other. All I hear all day long is whining & crying. One or the other is not happy all day long. It is driving me nuts!!!!

    At what point does this get better? When do they start "using their words"? Please tell me it gets better soon!!! :grr:
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  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Laura, I have to be honest and tell you that I almost didn't open this thread simply because the Subject almost sent me into convulsions! :spy:

    As far as I can tell, not any time soon!! Even when they have their words they WHINE them! My DD will whine and cry about the most inane stuff that it's like nails on a chalkboard! I haven't gotten to the age yet. I'm guessing NEVER?????????? :umm: :cry:
  3. AJJaxonMommy

    AJJaxonMommy New Member

    Oh man, it hasn't stopped for me yet. They're 4, I still have to tell them to "use your words" and "whining will get you nothing." Even if it's simply asking for some fruit snacks, it's a whine. They come over to me and lay on me and go "mommyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. *mumble mumble, something I can't understand*" Then it's "AJ TOOK ME BLANKIE!" or "JAXON TOOK MY KITTY" when the other actually had it. Makes me insane. It had better get better soon.
  4. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    :gah: I feel your pain!!! :gah: DS has it down to a science...the flop-himself-face-down-on-the-floor-squealing-like-a-dying-owl whine that immediately makes my right eye twitch. :shok: And DD is no better... I have no idea when it stops, doesn't seem like anytime soon, but I have found that about half the time if I tell them "go to your room, I don't want to hear the whining" it stops, or they drag themselves off the floor and shlump to their room - either way I don't have to hear it and they learn that whining is not getting their desired effect.
  5. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Hahaha...I know what you mean! I was trying to think of a better title, but at that moment I was listening to nothing else but whining and crying so I was at a loss for coming up with anything better. Sorry if I sent you into convulsions!! LOL!

    Don't tell me that! 4....are you kidding me! OMG...I think that is almost more then I can handle! :shok:

    :rofl: I sooooo know what you mean. Both of mine do the flop-themselves-face-down-on-the-floor manuveur, too!
  6. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Yeah apparently it's not 3 yrs, 11 mos!! :spy: I wonder that too, when can we get through a day without someone crying? :gah: Or someone saying something like "But I didn't want you to put my milk on the table! I wanted to get it off the counter! Waaaahhhhh!!!!"
  7. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    Well, it's not 4 years and 1 week or whatever we are. My daughter constantly says "Mommy I want you" in the most whiny voice possible. Generally, after being fussed at. My son doesn't whine much but he never has.
  8. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    OMG!! I could have written your post! DD has just started this phase and I'm ready to PULL MY HAIR OUT!!!
    I just pray that DS will not start it too!
    I thought it would pass quick but, now I'm scared reading everyone elses posts....YIKES!!!!
    Hopefully this too shall pass :)

    Good Luck to you & Thanks For Posting This.
  9. tink2005

    tink2005 New Member

    OMG iso know were you are but Im sorry to say we are going on 4 and we are still whinning and crying.... And know Im really scared when I read that others have 4 year olds that are still whinning. My DD also does the flop on her face manevrue and rolls around like shes crazy. I have noticed that when one is talking the other starts talking louder and louder until were screaming and whinning that the other was talking first. This makes me sad to hear ts not ending soon. Maybe in kindergarten?? :woah:

  10. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I am soooooo not liking what I am hearing!!!!!! :woah:

    Glad to know I am not alone though! Misery loves company, right? :huh:
  11. Orestia

    Orestia Well-Known Member

    I think it's hilarious how everyone seems to be on the same page sometimes. Today I "took a nap" (hid in bed with the cat while the girls played in the living room). I got 30 whole minutes of no whining. It was nirvana.
  12. talivstouwe

    talivstouwe Well-Known Member

    Oh my gosh. Well, my boys are 2 and have just started this whining crap. Ella is 4.5 and well ... she is a champion whiner! 3 whiners in one house (well, 4 if you count me by the time hubby gets home!!) :D
  13. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    If it's really bad in my house, I either walk out of the room & go upstairs, completely leaving what I was doing. It shocks them! They stop and follow me to see what the heck I am doing.
    Or I put on my walkman. HEAVEN! They HATE it and always stop.
  14. Cablegirl

    Cablegirl Well-Known Member

    Gosh I thought I was alone in this too....Reading over the post makes me think yall have been to my house!! LOL I sure hope it gets better soon, I can't stand the whining its driving me CRAZY!!!!
  15. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Good idea.....I LOVE it! :D
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