The Boys Have the Coxsackie virus

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sullivanre, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    My DH and I always laugh at this town in New York called Coxsackie because, well the name sounds kinda vulgar. Maybe would shouldn't laugh next time we drive through there because our boys have the coxsackie virus. :spiteful: Here's a description of it on the CDC website.

    For the past 3 days or so I thought they had colds or allergies. It's relatively mild. They've had colds worse, but I can definitely tell their throats hurt because they do not want to eat. They should be better in 7-10 days. The worse part is eating--they will take a few bites and then get frustrated.

    I bet some of your kids have had it too. Apparently, it's pretty common.
  2. laurajrad

    laurajrad Well-Known Member

    I'd never heard of that. Hope your boys get to feeling better soon!
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: I hope the boys are feeling better soon!
  4. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I have never heard of it either. :umm: I hope your boys feel better soon!!! :hug:
  5. andrew/kaitlyn/smom

    andrew/kaitlyn/smom Well-Known Member

    I grew up in Albany, and worked diligently to never have to refer to Coxsackie in any way because of the way it sounds :) I hope your boys feel better soon.
  6. caba

    caba Banned

    My kids have never had it ... but I have heard of it ... and it makes me giggle. Yes, I'm 13.

    ETA: I think it's also referred to as Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. People might be more familiar with that name.
  7. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Let me fix up my jacked up post. The typo and the link are off.
    You know how hard it is not to laugh when your doctor says your kids have coxsackie virus. :rotflmbo: :rotflmbo: I saw the Hand, Foot, Mouth Reference on the CDC site--I bet a lot of doctors and parents use that term.

    It is a pain--the boys have been really grouchy and angry. It actually seems to be getting worse. The past two days weren't bad, but today I had to feed them several times because they would only take a few bites before getting upset. I guess they have the legions in their throat now.
  8. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member


    So sorry to hear your boys are sick!! I've always heard of that virus called Hand, Foot (or Hoof, lol), and Mouth Disease. Hmm, wonder why no one calls it Coxsackie?

    I hope they feel better very soon. I can't imagine how painful it must be for them! :(
  9. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator


    Most doctors refer to it as Hand, Foot, and Mouth. It is extremely common. Hope the boys feel better soon!!
  10. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    You know Jori, your DS on the right in that picture is looking a lot more like Lennon. I need to learn to tell your boys apart. Whoever is one the left has a rounder head, and the twin on the right has a longer head. I probably wouldn't have noticed that except that you pointed it out a while back.
  11. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I've always heard of it called Hand, Foot, Mouth. Now, I feel so much better that I know what Coxsackie Virus really is! :lol:
  12. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Yeowch I hope they feel better too. I agree with a pp's try popsicles, frozen yogurt, or ice cream.
  13. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    Awww....poor boys. :( Thanks for enlightening me on what Hand Foot & Mouth disease is really called though, I had no idea.

    I hope they feel better soon!!
  14. 2betterthan1

    2betterthan1 Well-Known Member

    Awww poor babies... :hug:

    I had that really bad when I was in my late teens. It is pretty painful!!

    I say again poor babies... I hope they feel better soon!

  15. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Wow, Mark is not handling this well. Eli is getting better, but Mark has spent the better half of the last two days screaming, crying, and refusing to eat.
  16. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    aww Rachel im sorry that is horrible! i would give him pediasure,milk,YOP; yougurt drinks-anything he can drink-soups,fruit smoothies-i hope they feel better its so hard to see them not wanting to eat:(
  17. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I might have to get some pediasure or something because he's only gone through one diaper today. We've gotten him to take about 8 ounces of milk, a few drinks of water, and a tiny little bit of solids food.
  18. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    Get better, y'all! I've also heard of it as Hand, Foot, Mouth. A friend of mine got it the same time her boys had it as preschoolers, and she described it as a very bad sore throat. (They had their's at Christmastime. Ugh.)
  19. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    one of my poor sweeties had a similar virus a few weeks ago--it was only in the mouth (had tons of blisters). he was miserable! he wanted to be held constantly, which was hard on both me and his brother--who also then wanted to be held constantly..... the worst part was that he would not eat or drink anything except to nurse, so we couldn't get any tylenol into him to get the fever down. after 36 hours of a pretty high fever we FINALLY heard about 'fever all,' which is tylenol in suppository form (sorry if tmi! but it saved my little guy). he felt better the next day.

    we saw the doc at the very beginnign of the virus and it got much worse before it got better. i hope yours is gone soon!

  20. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I've heard it referred to as Hand Foot and Mouth as well. The twins haven't had it yet, but apparently I had it as a child when I was 2 and just cried in my mom's lap for 2 weeks (it's possible she's exaggerating. :rolleyes: ). Hope they feel better soon - poor little guys!
  21. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    How are they doing today? I hope better. :hug:
  22. someone

    someone Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear that! My babies had Coxsackie when they were about 9 months old.. it was rough. We didn't know they for sure had until I noticed I had soars in my mouth and hands.. I caught it from them and it was very unpleasent, hurt to eat and talk.. but they say it is worse in adults than children, so try and wash hands a lot, it's pretty contagious and transfered through saliva. I hope everyone feels better soon!
  23. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: my girls had it about 6 weeks ago - not very pleasant at all.

    i always said it like i was a Samurai in an old Japanese movie. :spy: although, it made me giggle for the other reason as well. :blush:

    our doc gave us a type of benedryl (sp?) to give them about 30 minutes before they ate - it helped numb their mouths/throats a little bit so it didn't hurt as much to swallow. maybe you could ask about that if things haven't improved?

    my doc said that if you had it as a child you can't get it as an adult. i was really worried about that - it's one thing to have sick twins, it's another thing entirely to be sick yourself as well. i know it'll happen some day, but hopefully not any time soon!

    hope your little guys are feeling better today. :hug:
  24. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    My daughter was just diagnosed with this today :( I took her in for something else but mentioned it was her third day of fever (I wasn't too worried because a couple days prior her brother had a fever for 3 days and then bounced right back), and the doctor looked in her throat to find blisters :( Poor baby! No wonder she hasn't had a good appetite. I think she's on the road to recovery because the fever has been gone since this morning...
  25. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    :hug: I hope they feel better soon!

    (had to giggle over the name, though..never heard of that one)
  26. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm still giggling over the name.
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