Jeans for 11yr olds

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by Sandsam, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. Sandsam

    Sandsam Well-Known Member

    I started school shopping today. I'm curious what others spend on jeans. We went into Hollister (which - I thought - was the lower end Abercrombie). The jeans that she and I liked were $50 and $60. I was ok with $40 - but they were really cute.

    Am I the only parent that pays this for jeans? Am I nuts or normal?
  2. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    My kid's 11 (granted, he's a boy). I buy him either the Target brand or Lee's when they're on sale at Kohl's. I typically pay around $15 for jeans and other pants for him. He's never been in a Hollister or Abercrombie.
  3. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    We're not quite there yet, Isabel is only 6.5. But, I tend to buy Target or Levi's. I try to get them on sale. When I was a kid, my Mom would tell me that I could get whatever jeans I wanted, but that she would only contribute $30. If I wanted more expensive ones, I could use my allowance $ to make up the difference. Honestly, I will probably do the same thing...put a limit that I am willing to spend and they can make up the rest if they really want them. For me, my kids are so rough on their clothes and they are outgrown within the year that I can't justify spending $50 or $60 on a pair of jeans.
  4. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    I think it would depend on the 11 yo. Some children are still very hard on their clothes at that age and I would never pay that for them. If my daughter seemed to have stopped growing and was able to take care of her clothing, I might be willing to spend between $30 and $40 max.
  5. momotwinsmom

    momotwinsmom Well-Known Member

    That's tough, because that is an age where if you are wearing the 'wrong' clothes, the kids make fun of you. At least, it is around here. Right now, I wouldn't pay that, but they are only 8. When they get that age I may pay that, I am not sure. It's a tough age for kids, as it is in between being a kid and a teenager. But, what we do is put out XX amount for school clothes. Once the amount is gone, I am done. It will be done the same at that age.
  6. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I just got back from school shopping with my 11 year old and we hit clearance racks...of course, he's a boy and not super picky. But we hit clearance at AE, Gap, and those places and I never paid over $15 for anything, including jeans, and we got some super nice stuff for cheap. I would pay that much if he did something in return...did a job for me or worked for it...but I wouldn't for nothing in return. But, thank goodness he hasn't asked for really expensive jeans yet.
  7. JenJefLog

    JenJefLog Well-Known Member

    I'm sure you're not the only one paying that or they wouldn't continue to be on the racks at that price. I have to admit, though, that I would rarely pay that for jeans for myself, but I'm a bargain shopper. I buy jeans for my girls at Old Navy and I recently bought a Roxy pair at Nordstrom Rack for a really great price. I tried getting some at Limited Too (now Justice), but their skinny jeans (which is what most of the girls around here want to wear) were kind of baggy in the butt. The Old Navy ones fit really well and are only $20. And I just got some at one of their outlets on sale for $12! I guess my feeling is if you start with the expensive, certain brand clothes at this age, it's only going to get worse in the teen years. I think you can get things that are stylish that don't cost an arm and a leg.
  8. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    $7 on sale this week at Target. Thankfully our guys aren't (yet) drawn to specific brands.
  9. jamey

    jamey Well-Known Member

    Right now I can still shop for my 11yo at Limited Too/Justice.. She is a slim, so our options are limited, and theirs fit her pretty well. They are usually about $40 or $50 a pair, but I usually have a coupon or J Bucks to make them cheaper.

    FWIW, I've never heard of Hollister being the low end Abercrombie, if anything they are as expensive, or more. Aeropostale is a "cheap Abercrombie" to me.
  10. BGTwins97

    BGTwins97 Well-Known Member

    My kids are going into 7th grade, and I don't ever spend more than $15 on jeans. Ever.

    If my DD wanted to spend that much on jeans, she would either have to request them for Christmas, or kick in anything over $15 from her own money, and even then I would discourage it.

    I think that it's important to instill frugality values and a realization of what things are really worth early in life. IMHO, jeans simply aren't EVER worth $50 or $60 (unless they have a few $20 in the pockets!) :lol:
  11. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    hmm, well, Berkley is only 8 and I bought her 2 pairs this week, but they're from Old Navy and I didn't pay more than $24/pair.
    I spend a lot of their clothes, admittedly, if I knew they wouldn't grow out of them before the end of the year I'd spend that. Unfortunately Berk is growing on average 1 inch/3 months so I can't do that now.
  12. Jaimie

    Jaimie Well-Known Member

    My two are almost 8. We currently purchase their jeans mostly at Wal-Mart. I have never spent more than 20$ on a pair of pants for my kiddo. I would never spend 50$ on my own pants, let alone theirs. I do love children's place for their clothes mostly and I have spent up to 20$ for something nice.
  13. Side by Side

    Side by Side Well-Known Member

    My girls are only 6.5 and I have found great name brand jeans at Saver's and other used stores. I love to pick up gymboree stuff there.

    I think I would be looking for upscale used shops to find the same jeans for less. I just cannot justify that amount and especially times 2 with girls.
  14. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I shop consignment. I rarely buy new, and when I do, it's almost never full price. I can't tell you the last time I bought something full price, honestly. I've gotten my oldest (turning 12 in Nov, going into 7th grade) some of the higher end jeans at the MOM sale for $4 or $5. With five kids to clothe that are still growing in random spurts, I can't justify spending more than $10 or so on any one item. And for $10 I better love it! I agree with pp that said teaching the true value of a dollar starts with our attitudes; what we value and allow for them now.
  15. jencollins112

    jencollins112 Member

    I don't have an 11 year old, but I do take my niece out shopping on special occasions and from what I have seen, the most expensive jeans are at Abercrombie & Fitch, the medium-priced are at Hollister, and the cheapest are at abercrombie, so I would look there first because we've found great quality "cool" jeans at abercrombie for around $30.
  16. Sandsam

    Sandsam Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies. I took my dd to Aeropostale and found two GREAT fitting jeans for her for $40 total. They fit and look better than those at Hollister!
  17. twin_trip_mommy

    twin_trip_mommy Well-Known Member

    I would not pay more than $15.00 for jeans and that is high to me.

    oh I hope this is not the case for my children

    We don't set an amt that we will spend on each but I do only buy a few outfits each that will fit more than one of them and I will nor spend more than 15 for jeans or a dress, 10 for a top and 12 for a top and bottom set. I'm cheep and I hope it does not backfire on my children in school but I think they look cute and good :pardon:
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