Has anyone heard of Mothers Milk?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by alynenicole, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. alynenicole

    alynenicole Active Member

    I was told there is a tea called Mothers Milk that you can drink to make your milk more plentiful. I have seen it at GNC but wondered if anyone has tried it and if it really works. With my last two pregnancies i was only able to breastfeed for a short period of time because my milk was not plentiful enough, so if this tea is true than i want to try it out when i give birth to my twins.. Thanks for your suggestions!!
  2. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    Here's a post from Parents.com that i read Monday. In it the mom tried Mother's Milk Tea and got her milk supply to let down.
  3. hhc

    hhc Well-Known Member

    I tried it and it didn't do anything for me. I then tried fenugreek but you have to take a ton of it. This didn't work for me either and it'll make you smell like maple syrup for as long as you take it. Mother's Milk tea is basically all the herbal remedies like fenugreek mixed into a tea. I've read mixed reviews that it worked for some though. I'd advise talking to a lactation consultant before the babies are born to get a game plan in place if you really want to nurse. If you're going to have a c-section, I think they recommend that you pump a lot w/ a hospital grade pump the first week.
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  4. Surrodoula

    Surrodoula Well-Known Member

    I haven't tried it, but I found that eating lots of oatmeal and staying well hydrated really helped me when I was pumping after my last surro baby was born.
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I never tried it, but had heard about it after my twins were born.
  6. nikio95

    nikio95 Active Member

    I tried Mother's Milk and Fenugreek with my DD. Fenugreek worked the best - you have to take several capsules a day (don't remember the exact amount) - but it did work. As PP said, it made my pee smell like maple syrup - but that isn't sooooo bad is it? :0)

    Mother's Milk worked as well, but it was harder to make tea and drink it than to just take a pill.

    Good luck.


    IVF TWINS Well-Known Member

    I have PCOS and it effected my supply with my DD (I had actual low supply which only about 3% of women have). We saw an IBC-LC and tried everything. The only thing that I found to actually work was Reglan (script from Dr. needed)but by the time I started taking Reglan it was to late. I was able to supplement and BF for the first 3 months after that we used formula. My advise is see an LC right away and if you do have problems talk to you Dr. about starting Reglan. The only down side to it is it may make you sleepy. Good luck. :)
  8. hhc

    hhc Well-Known Member

    I tried everything, Reglan as well (was that desperate to BF). This causes depression in some people and I ended up with PPD. I can't say that it was the Reglan that caused it but I remember there being another compound drug that was supposed to work better w/o the depression side effect. Unfortunately, this drug is expensive and insurance may not cover it. I ended up giving up after the Reglan so I don't recall the name of the compound.
  9. stumpstress

    stumpstress Well-Known Member

    At my hospital, they recommended pumping a TON at the start. I pumped every 3 hrs for 30-45 minutes at a time, and this helped bring it in. I too have PCOS, so I also tried the Mothers Milk tea. I don't know if it was the huge amount of time I spent pumping at first or the tea, but I was making a lot pretty quickly.

    Also... you don't have to go to GNC. In our grocery store, you can find it in 2 spots... the organic/natural section, and in the supplement section by the Ensure/Boost and vitamins.

    In general, I think you can take all sorts of drugs, but for some people it just doesn't happen. I have a few friends who took every drug, took every herb, drank all the teas and nothing happened. So.. don't beat yourself up too bad if you can't BF as long as you want.

    Good Luck!
  10. CarleyWC

    CarleyWC Well-Known Member

    I would suggest finding a lactation consultant as well, just for advice on line. Alot of county offices now are hiring and keeping one as in a Public Health position.

    I pumped a lot at hospital, nursed as much as I Could in the beginning, and tried both Mother's Milk & Fennegeek sp?. Both worked, at first I didn't think so but then after two cups of hot tea, i had plenty of milk.

    Interesting about Oatmeal, I just bought a ton of it, Costco sells big boxes of ORganic instant now, Wahooooo!!!!!

    Oh and remember when babies are first born their stomachs are size of marbles, they just need that collustrum.
    If you have trouble finding a lactation consultant I know a woman who's really passionate about it and helps people for free, email me if you need her [email protected]

    Take good care and just imagine having so much milk your practically capable of putting fires out!!!
  11. HeidiSmith

    HeidiSmith Well-Known Member

    My doctor recommended this. I just bought it and plan on trying it. I have more milk this round, but still not enough to feed two hungry babies. I hope it works for me.

  12. serialmommy

    serialmommy Well-Known Member

    when i get stressed, my milk goes out the window...i'm HOPING to be able to bf these two for a while..i know the breast milk will be gentler on their tummies than formula...even with soy formula, my kids end up spitting up quite a bit because of how sensitive their bellies are...i'll probably pick up the mother's milk tea...there was another supplement someone told me about, it's a tincture, and she said it worked really well...i'm also going to try having oatmeal every day..i was told that instant may not work like "regular" oatmeal, though i don't know why it would make a difference, and if oatmeal works, wouldn't granola? i love a big bowl of granola, either in milk or in yogurt..
  13. Chrissy Nelson

    Chrissy Nelson Well-Known Member

    I drank the tea in conjuction with Fenugreek and I had enough milk to feed a small country.
  14. chicagomama

    chicagomama Well-Known Member

    yikes. This thread is both painful to read and reply to. I had such a hard time BF my daughter. It broke my heart and I tried everything. I seemed to have a low supply as well, but when I gave her more formula she never gained weight any faster so I am not 100% sure if I had an actual low supply or just a slow gainer on my hands. By the time I got my supply up with many galactagogues--herbal and meds, I went back to work 9-5, m-f so I think that reduced it again.

    Anyway, sorry, it is a painful issue for me and one that is very anxiety provoking in anticipation of twins, whom I still plan to make every effort to BF.

    So my run down of what worked for me:

    MM tea: did not work
    fenugreek capsules: seemed to help, not giving a huge bump, but a noticable decrease when I didnt take them. I took them with-->
    Blessed thistle: recommended to use in combination of fenugreek

    oatmeal for breakfast: felt more like superstition than result-producing
    dark beer, ie guinness: no improvement. Further reading recommends avoiding alcohol stating it decreases supply.

    reglan: inital bump that immediately when down when I weaned as perscribed. The risks of PPD were frightening, and I did not get a full episode, but did struggle with intrusive thoughts later in my postpartum period that I am not sure if there was a relation to or not.
    Domperidone: MY MAGIC BULLET. It truly worked for me and got me producing a sufficient quantity of milk. However, when I returned to work I then got another setback so it was not enough to offset that.
    The thing with domperidone is this: it is not FDA approved in the US so you either have to get a perscript from the OB and then get in a drug store that will sell out of country meds (i forget what they are called). Or you can buy it online, as I did, but it felt sketchy and ultimately I was not comfortable taking a drug and not being monitored by an OB. However it is used widely in europoe and canada for increasing milk supply and studies have not shown any risk of harm to mother or baby. The FDA states it won't approve it b/c of elevated EKG's results that appeared in one study, but this was on cardiac patients (not new moms) and appeared completly unrelated.

    pumping: When establishing my supply, I would pump 15-20 minutes after each feeding to try to stimulate my nipples to produce more milk. I have seen this recommended by I don't see how this could work with twins. I think having two babies at work is more than enough! I have also read that too much pumping can be counter-productive b/c 1) it is a machine and does not stimulate the hormonal response as a baby does and 2) it can discourage mother by looking at the amount produced and feeling it is not enough, as it might not be an accurate measurement. This time around, I plan to avoid the pump as much as possible the first 4-6 weeks and just have babies on boobs as much as is possible.

    I went through this journey with these two main sites as reference:


  15. arkie

    arkie Well-Known Member

    Here in Sweden, they give you dark non-alcoholic beer at the maternity ward if your milk isn't coming in. They gave it to me, I'm not a fan of beer myself but it did the trick I had let down, I ended up breast feeding my son to 8 months and every once in a while when he had a growth spurt and I felt like he wasn't getting enough I drank one. Within a few hours I could feel my breasts swelling, I don't know if it is the yeast or what but it worked for me. :rolleyes: I guess if there is anyone out there that likes dark ale than this is the way to go. :laughing:
  16. CarleyWC

    CarleyWC Well-Known Member

    Hey, there's a breastfeeding forum on here that's really really good! I just came across it, it tells you what is in mother's milk, and lists other aids, methods, tips. I will be checking it out more and more as I get closer. Seriously, check it out!! I have a son who I nursed until 15 mos and i plan on nursing my twins ( if I can do it) and am so suprised by all the information on here.
  17. CarleyWC

    CarleyWC Well-Known Member

    Oh my goodness what a long journey.

    I have a question to ask you about the pump you were using. I have heard that all pumps cycle different, have different pumping speeds. At first right after birth to help produce milk and get it to come in or icrease supply you need to use a hospital grade pump, especially for twins. I had sent my old pump to my BF for her twins and found out that it would not be enough.

    So I am making sure that my first pump will be a rental with high speed cycling for my twins. Then use my old pump for when I go back to work or in between feedings after milk is established.

    Also, even though it's only been 4 years I've been able to find so much more informationt this time around for breastfeeding. At our hospital there was a class and one of the handouts was about the actual size of the stomach of a newborn twin, the size of a marble for the first week or so. That makes it so different for me to visualize that baby full from the colustrum this time around.

    thank you for all the information you've posted as well!
    Good luck, keep trying!I'll be happy if I make it through the first three mos without walking into a wall- I get so sleep deprived breastfeeding.
  18. CarleyWC

    CarleyWC Well-Known Member

    Okay we need the name on the bottle, if I have to special order this stuff I will!!!!
  19. arkie

    arkie Well-Known Member

    I'm sure any dark non-alcoholic ale will do... good luck and I hope that it goes down smoothly, I hate beer so I had to make sure it was ice cold. :drinks:
  20. chicagomama

    chicagomama Well-Known Member

    I used the Medela Symphony which is the top of the line double breast pump I rented from the hospital for the first 4 months. Then I used my medela pump in style advanced
  21. CarleyWC

    CarleyWC Well-Known Member

    Perfect, Thank you!
  22. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

    I drank it for quite a while, and thought it worked. I would brew maybe 3 bags in 16 ounces of water. Put it in the fridge, cool it down and drink it like Iced Tea.. I do think it made the twins a bit gassy, but I'm not really sure. It is worth a try, but the most important way to keep up your supply is by not supplementing and nursing, nursing, nursing.
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