weight discordance in my mono/di girls

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by aritz, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. aritz

    aritz Active Member

    morgan57 --

    sorry to hear about this little setback, but at least they each had good blood flow thru their cords, good fluid and were very active. i've had appts where i've gotten good news about the babies' discordance, only to find out 2 weeks later that things had gotten worse...but we're all still hangin' in there!!

    as i've said before, the doctor suspects it's unequal placental sharing that's affecting madeleine's (baby a) growth. he did say each of the girls have 3 vessel cords, so i don't have that to contend with. i've been going for BPPs and NSTs and the girls have passed w/ flying colors -- only problem seems to be their weights. i've been on modified bedrest for the past 5 wks and today i'm 34 wks. it's not much fun, but i think it's been helping the girls. i'm sure you'll feel the same way about your boys!

    believe me, i understand your disappointment; but you have to think positive. you and your doctors are doing everything you can to make sure your boys are as healthy as can be when they make their grand entrance into this world! i know it's easier said than done, but stressing out and worrying about it won't help things at all. after crying for a solid week after finding out about the discordance, i had to change my attitude b/c i knew whatever was happening was out of my hands and i was getting great care from my doctors. the tears weren't going to help madeleine get any bigger!!

    i'll include you and your boys in my prayers tonight...it might not help, but it sure won't hurt!! i go for a growth scan on monday. i'm totally anxious about it b/c i can tell by looking at my belly that priscilla (baby b) is still much bigger than madeleine. i'm lop-sided as can be, but i can only hope maddie's continued to grow at a somewhat reasonable rate and is still doing well. i'll post my results. please keep us updated on your progress as well!!

  2. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Way to go didn't relize it was 34 weeks*does happy dance*
  3. aritz

    aritz Active Member

    thanks - i almost can't believe it myself!! it won't be much longer now!!! woo hoo!!

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