turns out he really is saying "mama"

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by piccologirl, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    i posted yesterday about how jacob was having meltdowns all day and doing a lot of extra spitting up and not acting like himself. it started when i wasn't home and we thought there might be a separation anxiety component to it. but then he kept having waves of it and his cries were more and more frantic and pained, so i decided to take him to the children's hospital ER. what worried me was that he was bearing down to exhale, like his breathing was labored. i've had bronchitis for 3 weeks so i've been very concerned that they would catch it and his breathing was very concerning to me. it got worse if he had to lay down, like we could get him calmed down eventually (after 30 minutes of trying) and he would be fine as long as he was upright. but as soon as he needed to lie down for a diaper change or something it would start up again.

    and while he was crying, especially if he was lying down, he was staring at me and gasping through his sobs, going, "mama mama mama." both boys babble a lot and they haven't given us any indication that they're associating meaning with words yet so i didn't think he meant anything by it, other than his usual babbling while upset. but leading up to our trip to the ER i noticed he was really sticking with those "mama" sounds.

    so at the ER they agreed that his breathing was labored and we did a chest x-ray to make sure he didn't have pneumonia. of course he had to be lying down to do the x-ray, and they had me hold his arms up over his head to hold him still. from that angle he couldn't see me, he could only see the tech holding his legs down. while he cried during his x-ray he stared at the tech and babbled every random syllable he knows. the tech then picked him up and turned him around so he could see me. he immediately went back to "mama mama mama" and reached for me to pick him up.

    so this is how i find out that he really means mama, and he really means me. my little boy is saying his first word and i found out because he was saying it when he was in pain. it's just heartbreaking. it was like he was saying "mama, fix it."

    his chest x-ray was clear and they gave him some anti-nausea meds for the vomiting. that seemed to make a huge difference and once the meds kicked in he brightened up and even stopped spitting up at that point. we stayed for a bit for observation and he drank some pedialyte and seemed to feel much better, so ultimately they discharged us with the opinion that he's got a bit of a stomach bug and the labored breathing was his response to the tummy discomfort.

    so hopefully he'll be fine today. but what a way to find out he's saying his first word. :(
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Gosh what a difficult and stressful day you had! :hug: That's great that he's saying mama! I hope he feels better soon.
  3. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    :hug: so sorry your boy is poorly i hope he gets betters soon! Really pleased Jacob knows your name now Mama, it must be amazing to know he means it, can't wait for that!
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That is awesome that your DS can say Mama and mean it. :hug: to you and him, I hope you both feel better soon. Mine usually only say Mama or Mommy when they really want something or are in distress.
  5. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Oh my! What a day you had! Glad he can say "mama" but sorry you had to find out the hard way. Mine only say it when they need me too. Dada get's said for everything (phone/airplane/random things) but Mama only when it's important.
  6. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    i picked him up this morning to change him and he threw his arms around my head and went "mama!" and then mashed his open mouth against my cheek in what i've learned to interpret as a "kiss." it's so much nicer to hear it when he's not upset. :wub:
  7. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Poor baby. I'm glad he seems to be feeling better. :hug: And :woo: for saying Mama! :wub:
  8. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Poor guy, I'm glad he seems to be feeling better!!

    :wub: for saying mama, it's the best feeling in the world!! And I love slobbery baby kisses! :wub:
  9. jnholman

    jnholman Well-Known Member

    My heart melted....that is fantastic! :wub:
  10. mrschenoweth

    mrschenoweth Well-Known Member

    Awwwww....SO sweet! :wub: I can't wait for that moment. I'm glad he seems to be feeling better - hope it continues. I know how stressful it can be spending time in the ER with a baby. Hopefully that will be the last time for you!
  11. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Thats soooo sweet! :wub:
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