hair bows...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by debbie_long83, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    I have about decided to give up on putting bows in my girls hair. They have really cute curly hair but sometimes it can be pretty wild. It looks absolutely ADORABLE when there's a bow in it but it lasts all of 5 seconds. They used to let me put them in and would wait a little bit before pulling them out. Then they started yanking them out almost instantly. There is at least one missing that Hailey has hidden in the house. Today, when I tried they just shook their heads and tried to run off. I'm not pulling their hair, I don't know what the deal is. I guess we're just done with bows. :rolleyes: Any tips/advice?
  2. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    For my DD at least it was a phase, lasting from about 13 months to 19 months, now she loves having 'pretties' in her hair and often asks me to put them in. She then forgets they are there and leaves them alone.

    No advice, just don't give up on your girly girls just yet :)
  3. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I have to put in the baby rubberbands. They are nto actually rubber and the non-pulling type but that is the only way to keep them in my daughters hair. If not she pulls them out or they start to slip and then she pulls it our. The bands are about the size of a pea so you only have to put them around the hair like 3 times and it does wonders. I had to do somthing to get her to forget about them for a while right after I put them in and then she forgot and would leave them in. Now she loves "hair bows" to make her a "pretty girl"
  4. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    where do you buy your rubberbands at? I'll have to look for sum. I want to pull their hair up because it's getting pretty long on top.
  5. daniv

    daniv Well-Known Member

    I get them at Walmart, I don't know about Melissa. But this was the same thing I was going to suggest. My older DD went through the same phase. Now at 4 she doesn't want to leave the house without somekind of bow. We have one in nearly every color. 3 white ones.
  6. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I try to trick mine into wearing them :lol: I will put them in when they are in their highchairs eating or totally engrossed in Yo Gabba Gabba :)
    The little rubber bands work so much better though & are way more difficult for them to take out (I got them at WalMart as well...they come in a package with a ton of colors & are disposable so I just throw them away when I am done)

    I can't wait for them to WANT the bows in their hair though!!

    Good luck & don't give up :)
  7. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Mine went through a stage were they wanted only barrettes instead of bows. So I just went and got lots of cute barettes..they still sometimes would rather wear a barrette instead of a bow..I don't know if it's a weight thing or what..but I think bows are so cute!!
  8. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Hahaha....I do the same thing! Totally have to trick DD when I put a bow or clip in her hair. I also use the rubber bands alot...just so she can't get them out!! Occassionally, she still does, but it is harder for her.
  9. eehrlich

    eehrlich Well-Known Member

    they just dont want bows - in my experience as my girls approach 2 they are very much against anything i want. the more i want them to do something the less they will do it. this includes everything from sitting in their stroller to changing poop filled diapers. i had to chase my daughter yesterday - in a public place - to try to change her very stinky diaper. i finally gave up and waited till she asked for a new diaper - and then she happily sat there while i did it. so your girls probably sense your frustration with the bows and are like - oh yeah! i'll show you what i think of your bows. i'd give up on it because its really not an important battle. i think there will be much bigger battles coming your way and this one is a good one to let go. good luck! here come the terrible two's!
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