Children's lifejackets

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Trishandthegirls, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to buy life jackets for my two year old daughters, who weigh 25 and 26 pounds. Every single child life jacket I see online says that they're for 30-50 pounds. The infant ones go "up to" 30 pounds. My initial thought is that I should get the child version, but DH is concerned that the girls (who are pretty tall and thin) will slip right out of them since they're under the bottom pound limit.

    Has anyone used a child version life jacket with a child who's under the pound limit? I don't have any stores nearby that stock them so I'm going to have to order sight unseen.

  2. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    What kind of life jackets do you mean? For swimming, or for boating or another purpose?

    We have these Speedo ones --


    ...and there's no way a 25-pound child would slip out of it. There's also a strap that goes between the legs. We've used them in the pool, but they're not great at keeping the face out of the water.

    So, if you wanted something like this, I think you'd be fine with the 30-50-pound size. (My kids are about 32 and 35 pounds right now, and they already fit well -- I doubt they'll last until 50 pounds, actually.)
  3. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Stearns makes an infant & child jacket for 0-50 pounds and I'm sure it really does fit for that long because the straps are very adjustable. We bought ours at West Marine but Stearns is carried in a lot of stores.
  4. symercat

    symercat Well-Known Member

    We have the Stearns ones too, also purchased at West Marine. Our little 5%er fits it just fine. Doesn't seem to bother them as much around the neck when they are sitting as others do also.
  5. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Good question! I always forget that people use life jackets for swimming. I need some for boating because when we visit my family we'll be staying on a lake and there are canoes, sail boats, and motor boats. Thanks for the recco on the swimming one; that might be worth getting too so that they can swim in the lake without me worrying as much.
  6. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    Not sure about the weight questions, but a good thing to think about is what kind of life jacket. THIS is a good link expaining the different types. Most of the infant life jackets I've seen are Type 1 or 2, while the kid ones tend to be 2 or 3, but all types are available in all sizes.

    The main thing with type 1 or 2 is that if you fall into the water, it will help turn you face up and keep your face out of the water. Type 3 will not do that.

    Good luck figuring it all out!

  7. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    We bought the Puddle Jumper vests. They are rated from 30-50 lbs, but DD, who is about 28 lbs, fits fine in it. There is no uncomfortable crotch strap, and they are so cute that the kids love wearing them!. They are rated by the coast guard for boat use, and work very well in the pool also.

    ETA: I am no expert, but obviously, a vest that is rated up to 50lbs would keep a 25lb'er afloat, so I think the the 30 limit is more about size of the child. The advantage with this vest is that like other traditional vests if the kid is too small the vest rides up under the chin. These go around the chest and under the arms, so it won't ride up like that. The back strap is fully adjustable, so you can get it good and snug, so I would think it is pretty impossible to slip out of it. Several people on the amazon site that I linked have siad they bought it for thier 2 year olds that are under the weight limit...and check out the reviews, they are awesome!

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