He is having a tantrum every time he doesn't get his own way!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Andi German, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    Every time Max does not get what he wants he throws a complete tantrum - stamping feet - screaming - throwing himself down at worst and then morning / wingeing the rest of the time! My hubby things he should be into a safe room for time out and as a kind of punishment - I'm not comfy with that. Shoule I ignore it? If I do he can go on for ages - and then I go and pick him up and he usually calms down. But it seems to be all the time and is driving us crazy. Anyone who has btdt? Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance.
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Evan screams when he doesn't get his way. I try to talk to him explaining why but for the most part, I don't give in. Good luck! When dd would throw a tantrum, I would just ignore it.
  3. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    If we are at home, I completely ignore it. If we are in public, we leave and go home. I don't say anything to the tantrum thrower until she has calmed down and then I explain to her that is not the way to get what you want! How much of it she understands, I have no idea but it makes me feel better. Thankfully the tantrums seem to be dying down around here. Which ever method you decide to use, I think the key is to be consistent. Good Luck! Tantrums are no fun!! :hug:
  4. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I usually just say 'I know you want x, but it's not possible right now for x reason' then ignore them.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I ignore it. I'll explain why what ever (usually DS) is freaking out about is not possible at the moment...but usually once DS sees that his tantrum is getting no play from us, he stops.
  6. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    we've just started to see a bit of this.... i've been trying out the tactics in happiest toddler on the block and they really do work. dh has been trying, as well. some are simple things that you see in most books like speak to them at their level, short sentences, echo what you think they are feeling/would say if they could, etc. we're seeing a lot of improvement.... tantrums are par for the course so it's good to figure out how to deal w/them now so that they do'nt escalate. that's what we're hoping to do, at least!

    gl, jl
  7. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    We started dealing with horrible tantrums between 15-18 months old. At first, I would try and talk them through it..make them understand that I knew what they want.."B wants a cookie, I know you want a cookie, but we don't eat cookies for breakfast", then if they kept on I would walk away and ignore it. Now that they are approaching 2, I feel like they understand me better so I still talk them through it (letting them know I understand what they want, but explain why they can't have it) and if they continue I ask them if they need to go take some time in there room. Usually they stop, but if they don't then I send them to there room to chill out. Once they calm down, then they may come out.

    In public, if I can't get a handle on it quickly then I usually will just leave the store.
  8. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    This is generally what I do too. I do try a little distraction* as well though (with Eleanor, and with the twins when they were younger). Sometimes at that age you can snap them out of it by giving them something else to focus on. With my lot I've found it's better to distract them and stop the tantrum straight away, if possible, rather than let them really build up steam-some of them can tantrum for ages!
    [*What I mean when I say that I try to distract them is that I will offer them a toy or point out something they might be interested in looking at, to make them forget what they're upset about. If that doesn't work then I let them get on with the tantrum and ignore it.]
  9. cristallynn

    cristallynn Well-Known Member

    That's exactly what I do. Lily is such a relaxed, baby but Brandon throws himself to the floor as soon as things aren't going his way! I just make sure he's on the ground and safe and ignore it or go home if we're out (while ignoring the judgmental stares).
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