Finances in the second year. How to save money?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sullivanre, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    In the other thread, I was saying I'm finding the second year, much harder on my finances than the first year.

    So I'm curious. What are you ladies (and gents if there are any out there) doing to save money and cut costs in the second year?

    I'm thinking food, clothes, household items, bills, etc.
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    We save money on food by grocery shopping at BJs. The milk is much cheaper as are the meats. I use coupons when I can too especially for diapers and wipes.

    We are very lucky to be part of a twins group and get a lot of great hand-me-down clothes for the girls. I also shop sales for things like shoes for the girls too. I also troll our local craigslist for used toys and most of our outdoor toys have come from there and we saved a lot!

    As for bills, we got rid of our landline years ago and save lots only having cell phones. We also refinanced our mortgage earlier this year and have less of a monthly payment AND less time to pay off (went from a 30 yr to 15), so that is saving us lots too. I know these aren't necessarily kid-related, but thought I'd throw them in just in case.
  3. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    We are very frugal to begin with, so it's hard to think of money saving tips. We buy diapers/wipes/snacks in bulk at Sam's club. We don't have cable tv. DH and I carpool together. We have the best day care (and possibly most affordable) in the world. Most clothes are bought second hand. I never buy pajamas after the first year... kids sleep in t-shirts (which we have an abundance of) just fine. Mainly, I'm just always on the look out for deals and bargains - most of which I find via garage sales or craig's list.

    I also keep a list of things I am looking for in my dayplanner. The major reason for this, is sometimes a grandparent will call and ask what the kids need, if I can't think of something, they go buy them toys, but if I know the kids are about to outgrow their shoes, and I tell them what size, usually next time I see them they have new shoes for the kids.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Let's see, I am always on the hunt for tips...but here are some of the things we currently do:
    1. Coupons, I try to buy stuff already on sale and use a coupon for it for extra savings
    2. Buy off brand names for clothes, food, OTC medicine, etc. I found that Target brand has the cheapest versions of Mylicon, infants Tylenol & Motrin
    3. Buy second hand/accept hand me downs. DS's clothes are all hand me downs because my BF has three boys and saved all of her clothes, so she and I have done a clothing exchange. Her youngest is 6 months younger then mine.
    4. Buy off of clearance.
    5. Shop at Sam's Club to buy items in bulk
    6. Use the library rather then Barnes and Noble to buy books

    Some things DH and I are considering cutting (I'm all for it, DH still unsure):
    1. Getting rid of the land line (finally!)
    2. Paying more bills on line to save money in checks and stamps.
    3. Switch to basic cable (finally!)
    4. Switch our gym membership to a cheaper gym.

    Great topic Rachel! I love all the ideas so far and looking to hear more!
  5. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I hsve been using Walmart brand diapers and wipes since they were about 8 months old. I have never had a problem with them.

    As soon as they start losing interest in a toy, I put it on craigslist. I then take that money and buy new toys usually from craigslist as well. Very rarely do I buy brand new toys; most everything they have is second hand.

    For awhile I was buy Motts for Tots and realized I was paying for water. I now buy big bottles of juice from Costco and dilute it myself. When I give them juice, it's more like 75% water & 25% juice so a bottle of juice lasts for weeks.

    They love fruit and with it being summer it's not that expensive. But come winter I buy the big bags of frozen fruit from Costco and it's just as good.
  6. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I was thinking that the SY was cheaper - less diapers, no formula, stay in clothes longer - but I am probably not including all the extra groceries! I have no tips. I am an awful saver.
  7. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Things in the second year seemed cheaper on us. No more formula (which was costly), no more baby food, no more batteries for swings and bouncies.

    Oh and diapers are cheaper because she doesn't go through as many as she did before.
  8. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I did this same thing. I realized I am paying $3-$4 for this juice and it is mainly water and it wasn't lasting us very long. Now I buy frozen unsweetened apple juice and double dilute it. PLUS I only put half in their cups and add water again. One can (which is ~$1.50) lasts us a good week.

    We use LUVS (diapers). We have never had a problem with them and they are alot cheaper than Huggies and Pampers.

    We also get a TON of hand me downs from my nephew. Most of my DS's clothes are hand me downs.

    Alot of their toys come from my nephew, too. He is only a year older.

    Any clothes I do buy, for the twins & DH and I are clearance. I look for clearance racks. I refuse to buy anything at regular price unless it is an absolute neccessity.
  9. Queen of Carrots

    Queen of Carrots Well-Known Member

    I'm a bit of a freak, but nonetheless . . .

    1) Cloth diapers are still saving me an average of $3 a day. Although I do need to update my stash after four kids: some of them are getting pretty ragged. I could save more if I hung them out to dry, but I'm still too lazy for that. :) I buy disposables at Aldi's for trips out. (I'll spare the rhapsody on Aldi's here, but if you have one anywhere near you, it is worth checking out. It would be hard to eat entirely from what they have, but we get about 90% of our groceries there now and the savings are amazing.)

    2) They eat what we eat. I don't spend extra on toddler-friendly food. They don't get any juice (whole fruit is healthier anyways and thirsty kids will drink water). If they don't want it, they can go play. They'll make up for it next time. And I give them tiny amounts at a time to cut down on waste. (I am still breastfeeding two or three times a day, so that reassures me that they are getting complete nutrition.) Most of my meals involve a small amount of meat served with plenty of vegetables and whole grains or beans (salads in the summer, soup or casserole in the winter), which is healthy, filling, and cost-effective.

    3) I have the advantage of having an older boy and girl, too, and I saved all their stuff--so my expenditures on clothes, shoes and toys for the twins are pretty close to zero. Rotating existing toys keeps the stash feeling "fresh." What didn't survive I get at my twins club sale or at a thrift store. (Alas, I don't have time for garage sales anymore!) The best toys are the tupperware cupboard and the boxes our food comes home from Aldi's in, anyway!

    4) Outings are fun but don't have to cost anything. Toddlers are just as excited and stimulated by a trip to the park to watch the squirrels or a trip to a new library with a cool children's area as they are by a trip to the zoo or the museum. Pack a lunch and all you are out is the cost of gas. (Which can be plenty!)

    I'm sure we're technically spending a bit more on food, but other than that I don't think we're spending anything on the twins at this age. Which is good, 'cause we're still paying off those hospital bills! :shok:
  10. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Those are some wonderful tips ladies.
  11. daniv

    daniv Well-Known Member

    I wish I had some advice to give to you. I am still trying to find the cheapest way to do things. I have used some of the helpful things from the Stretch your dollar forum. But for this year in particular? I don't know. I am still struggling with finding things they will actually eat.
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