Taking the babies out past their bedtime

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Kleppard, Jul 11, 2009.

  1. Kleppard

    Kleppard Well-Known Member

    My guys have decided their bedtime is 7 pm. Which is great, but it has made it impossible to go anywhere at night. We get invited to go out in the evening, but we can't go because the babies have to go to bed. Do you guys take your babies out in the evening and then do a modified bedtime routine when you get home, or are you like us and have no social life??
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    sometimes we just get a sitter to come over - then we're free to go to a movie or for dinner or whatever. if we're going to family or friends' houses, we take our pea pods with us & do their bedtime routine at the other person's house. then when it's time to go we pack 'em up, take 'em home & usually just sing their bed time song to them again before putting them in their cribs. it works really well for us. that being said, we definitely don't go out as much as we used to - it's a lot more work these days! :D
  3. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    The boys have a LATE bedtime b/c they stay up until we go to sleep. Tyler, goes everywhere with us and it he starts to get tired we just lay him down to go to sleep. He sleeps anywhere we put him so we are still able to go out after a certain time.
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    In the beginning-nope! Our boys have/had a 7pm bedtime. We were ALWAYS home by that time-or within 30 minutes of it. If we wanted to go out somewhere, we had one of our parents/siblings watch the boys-once they were put to bed. It wasn't bad for us. Now that they are getting older, the weather is nicer, it's light out later... they've gone to bed closer to 8pm most nights. I just know that because they go to bed later does NOT mean they will sleep later! So I've always stuck to their bedtime-or at least pretty closely.
  5. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    sleep is a top priority in our house so unless we have someone to watch them, we don't go out past bedtime. it's a short period of our lives that we have to accommodate their baby needs, and we're willing to forgo some of our social wants in order to make sure their needs are being met.
  6. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We try our best to stick to bedtime. There are always some instances when we are out later & they have to stay up, but we always seem to pay for that in the end. So, if we go out, I try to get someone to stay with them so they can get to bed on time. All in all, we have very little social life (although it has been getting better now that they are getting older!).
  7. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    No social life. :pardon: Actually, now that they are older, we do stay out at times, but not very often. When they were younger, never.
  8. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    This is exactly what we do to. Even still, if we are at my parents house (our only social life right now) I still stick to schedul. The babies get a bath and bottle at the same time they would if we were home, just at my moms house. Then we pack up and go home right after we are done. Seems to work for us. My guys start going down at 5 though (just can't convince them to hold out another hour) so if we want to do ANYTHING we half to come up with a plan that works for all.
  9. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We just do bedtime routine wherever we are at and then put them down in another room or on a blanket, they do really well transitioning in and out of carseat to crib with just a kiss and i love you:)
  10. Carrie27

    Carrie27 Well-Known Member

    Yep, no social life. Mine go to bed between 5:30 and 6, and the 2 year old goes to bed at 7:30.

    Have we taken them out past their bedtime probably a handful of times. Just like a pp said, going to bed later doesn't equal sleeping in (at least not around here).
  11. jrtchr

    jrtchr Well-Known Member

    With my 4 year old DD and now with these girls we have always just done a modified bedtime routine wherever we are. Generally we are just going to someone's house anyway - so we do a modified routine and then put them down in a separate room on a blanket or in the PnP. I have always loved the fact that my kids will sleep anywhere we take them - makes it much easier if something comes up and if we have to be out past bedtime.
  12. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Well we always have our kids on a late schedule so the babies don't go to bed until 10-11 pm. So we're generally home before then. If not then I'd just let them nap whereever we are, and then give them another partial bottle before bed when we get home.

    We've been pretty blessed with easy going kids, they can handle nights of disrupted routine pretty easily.
  13. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    At your LOsĀ“ age, I was a slave to their bedtimes and still am. At 4 months, mine went to bed at 7pm. Now they go at 9pm. If DH and I want to go out then we ask family to help out (usually MIL if she is in town). There was one occasion when we christened them (they were almost 1 year old) and they didnt get to bed until 10pm! They both coped so well as they were playing happily and had no time to realise they were tired! I think its up to you, you can always try it and see how they go. They may just go to sleep in their pram!
  14. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Nope, we don't have a social life either! Suits me just fine for now, i'm usually so pooped after the days events that i don't have energy to socialise lol A couple of times when they were about 4mths old we had to take them out past bedtime to dr appointments and the aftermath has scarred me for life, i daren't even miss a nap nowadays!! If i had the energy i would get a sitter to come round as we don't here a peep out of them till at least 4am once they are down at 5.30/6ish. Good luck with yuor decision.
  15. eechy

    eechy Well-Known Member

    We are mostly slaves to bedtime and have no social life, but we do make exceptions sometimes. You just have to! As long as the babies are entertained and there are extra hands around to help out, then it's usually no big deal. They go down great when we get home w/ pretty much the whole bedtime routine. Not that there's much to ours: music, milk, book, bed. I think it's fun to do occasionally. The other option is to have people over to your place. Set up some cocktails and apps, then leave your guests to that while you put the kids down, then you come back and it's time to party!
  16. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    This is what we did on Saturday night! We had people over, and put the boys down at their normal time. Okay, that didn't work so good because they were too hyped up from all the attention. We tried to put them down, they were completely awake and playing, so we brought them back down for another hour until they got sleepy and put them to bed with no problems.

    We really didn't have an repercussions from their delayed bedtime, and the noise from the guests didn't bother them since we were outside enjoying the nice weather and they had a fan running in their room.

    Otherwise, we have no social life. :p
  17. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We also often have friends over to our house. That way I can put L&L in bed & still enjoy some social time!
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