Do the twin comments ever stop?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by dowlinal, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    Now that I've been venturing out of the house with the twins, it seems that everywhere I go people constantly stop me to comment on the boys. I was at costco yesturday and every few minutes someone came up to me to ask about them, look at them, or to tell me how much they've always wanted twins. I'm already getting pretty tired of hearing about double trouble or that I must have my hands full. It's even worse when I have all four of my kids with me.

    Is it always going to be like this? This is just so strange to me.
  2. Jocasta

    Jocasta Well-Known Member

    My girls are almost 2 and the comments haven't stopped for us yet!
  3. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yes it's always going to be like this, especially with all 4. I have 4 too, a 7 yr old, 2.5 yr old and the 4.5 month old twins and you should see the looks I get when I have all 4 by myself.

    On a pleasant note though, someone always opens the door for me and holds it, and sometimes even lets me get in line ahead of them! :lol:
    1 person likes this.
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't know, it's gotten a lot better for me in the last year or so. But maybe that's because mine are b/g. I would think if you have id twins you will continue to get the questions & comments more as they get older than those of us with frats.
  5. newboygirltwinsmom

    newboygirltwinsmom Well-Known Member

    Its getting better with my older set, but when somone comes up and starts saying that my twins are cute they (older set) pipe up and say 'we're twins too'.

    Then there is the head count (7 kids total 2 sets of twins) and the pity looks begin when I say 'yes, they are all mine'.
  6. Farrah

    Farrah Well-Known Member

    I was wondering the same thing. A friend of mine that has twin boys about 8 months old told me to plan an extra 15-20 minutes into everything you do just for this reason. You have to stop and answer so many questions. Most people are okay but some people can really get under your skin!!! I also have a large family...6 kids I get even more added comments!!

    I just make myself believe that most people are just jealous!!! :) LOL!!!
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    No, I dont think they will stop, but they will start to slow as they get older.
  8. Carrie27

    Carrie27 Well-Known Member

    At almost 10 months the comments continue. They are not only bad about the twins, but then they see our 2 year old running along and then they immediately but their eyes out of their head, "you must be so busy. God bless you."

    Yes, God has blessed me...leave us alone!
  9. swilhite25

    swilhite25 Well-Known Member

    I still get comments/questions all the time and my favorite is "are they twins?" I mean I guess I could be watching two babies from different families at once but they look the same age you know? I've gotten very good at smiling when people say "you have your hands full" or "double trouble" or things like that. One very rude lady in the store not long ago said "twins...I'm sorry" well that ticked me off and I just shot back "I'm not" and kept walking.

    Maybe we should all make signs to wear that say "yes, they are twins" "born at _____ weeks" "weighed ____ lbs and _____ lbs" "yes, I do have my hands full but I love it!" That would probably at least appease most strangers! :)Trust me, some days I've considered doing it but you do get used to this after a while. I finally just realized most people are awe struck and continue to consider myself very lucky.
  10. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Hasn't stopped for us yet, and my twins are 3! I actually don't mind as long as they don't keep me from completing whatever mission I am currently on! :lol:
  11. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oiy! Its even worse when I go out with my sis and nephew who is 3wks older than my boys and we get "TRIPLETS?!?!" I'm like, yeah...we dressed these 2 alike in the same carseats and he's the black sheep of the family! Now I just say "yeah, but he has a different Mom and Dad!" That makes them think:)

    The comments don't stop...I think most people are just curious and as long as they aren't rude I keep my annoyance inside:)
  12. scrappycindy

    scrappycindy Well-Known Member

    I was certainly not prepared for this... if I had a quarter for every time someone stops me out in public to tell me I have my hands full, I'd be rich. What really irks me is when they ask if they are twins or boy/girl. Hum, I don't dress them in pink everyday, but I certainly don't dress them like boys! Ugh! And, ok, I guess I could have adopted two infants the same age, but good grief, they look alike!
  13. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    What I hate are the comments people make about always wanting twins, or that they're trying to have twins (WTF?). I think twins are awesome, but these people have *no* clue how many problems can come of a twin pregnancy or how hard it is in the beginning.

    I don't mind the "hands full" comments so much, because I figure at least I'm getting props for doing a hard job! :D
  14. mrschenoweth

    mrschenoweth Well-Known Member

  15. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    I wish I could say it does.. Sometimes I feel like a freak-show and everyone's watching us when we're out -creepy-

    I took Rose out [just the two of us] for a quick shopping trip. When I got back DH said, "Isn't it funny how they're not so 'cute' when there's only one?" But what a relief it was! We got things done so quickly! And it's funny cause I felt a little nervous at the initial idea of only taking one for some reason.
  16. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    When mine were in the double stroller with the carseats attached, we were stopped CONSTANTLY!! It really felt like we couldn't go anywhere! Once we moved on to the regular double stroller we didn't seem to get as many. We still get a lot of comments, they also don't affect us as much anymore. I don't worry as much about people being sick around them, or coughing near them. I don't think as many would notice if I didn't have them both saying "hi" and "bye" to everyone and every thing that they see!
  17. Lindae73

    Lindae73 Well-Known Member

    Whenever we go out with our two it is kind of entertaining how people react to them. On our recent trip we seriously considered
    placing written signs on our double stroller that read-


    and over our daughter-

    and over our son-
    YES, I'M A BOY


    Hee hee

    We didn't do it, but not because we didn't want to, we had no TIME to prepare the signs.
    :) Go figure!
  18. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    I don't think it will ever stop. Like pp's, we have lots of kids too. When I have the 4 young ones (Almost 4, 24 months, and the 6 mo twins), I get lots of comments and strange looks. I don't mind to much of it, some of it does cross the line and gets to me. Some if it can get really personal. My biggest complaint is that I usually have an hour (maybe) in the store to do 2 weeks of shopping for 7 people. I have to move fast and really don't have the time to stop for every look and question. I don't want to be rude, but if I can't get the shopping done before the screaming starts that means another day dedicated to shopping. I just don't like being the "show" of the day. I know most poeple have good hearts and just don't understand, but still, I just would like to be left alone sometimes. It's not always bad, sometimes it can be fun, but still...
  19. Obie9

    Obie9 Well-Known Member

    This really happened. Hubby and I were shopping for baby clothes on July 4th when there are big sales, and there were a group of oriental tourists in the mall. They completely surrounded us, smiling and pointing at our B/G twins. Our twins were the main attraction there. They were all very polite, but we were in a rush to get to our friends' house before they could take any photos.
  20. dmildred

    dmildred Active Member

    I've been out with my twins and other friends of mine with their newborns and infants....People come up to me to fuss over my babies but don't even seem to notice the friend I'm with that day and her baby. I'd rather that they don't come up to me most of the time, but if they do, at least acknowledge the other cute little baby!

  21. Vnesa2009

    Vnesa2009 Well-Known Member

    I could have written this post my husband has me on lookout while in the store and if it looks like someone is moving in too stop us he makes a quick turn otherwise shopping takes 2xs as long as it used too! So sick of it already and they are just a lil over 3 months. To make it even worse a lady at the library touched Victoria's hand last week!
  22. Vnesa2009

    Vnesa2009 Well-Known Member

    That's funny you said that, my dad is a frat Triplet 2 boys and one girl my Aunt was just telling me last week that her stupid sister in law used to always argue with her about that issue she swore that they were identical! Some people are just dumb.
  23. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I still occasionally get asked if my two are identical. Seriously! Umm, a boy & a girl, who really don't look alike, hmmm... let me think.. .. NO they are not identical! I once actually had a nurse ask me that question. Made me worry a bit about the medical profession! :laughing:
  24. Vnesa2009

    Vnesa2009 Well-Known Member

    Oh wait I got another one ! One of the rudest comments Ive heard so far was - "Oh are they twins, I want twins but only if they are identical cause why would you want them if they aren't?" -UNREAL!!

  25. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine are close to 2 and we still get comments everywhere we go. Everyone wants to tell me about a set of twins that they know.

    It's great, b/c everyone knows a set of twins. :rolleyes:
  26. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the laugh!
  27. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    This happens all the time when I am with a friend/infant - I feel so bad. A couple times they thought my friend was helping me and I had triplets!!!! LOL. Anyway, my favorite rude comment so far was "how much weight did you gain?" RUDE! Also, I was at the checkout at JC Penney's and I was obviously physically rushing because a meltdown was ensuing (always happens when the stroller is not moving.) I was buying my DH a father's day gift and this girl would not stop talking - I finally had to say I appreciate the conversation but I really would like to pay and get home before the crying gets worse. Honestly...duh! :gah:
  28. Puffgirls

    Puffgirls New Member

    I hear ya! I don't mind people commenting so much, but the boy/girl question kills me. I even had a lady tell me one of my girls looked like a boy. I was furious! My favorite is "better you than me" to which I reply, "you're right!"
  29. Shohenadel

    Shohenadel Well-Known Member

    I love it when I have my twin girls in dresses....for example, Sarah in a pink dress and Rachael in a blue dress and someone will say, "A boy and a girl?" I feel like saying, "IT"S A DRESS!!!!!!" Just because it's a blue dress doesn't make it a boy!!! yikes!

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