How much extra school supplies do you buy?

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by rissakaye, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Since this is my first year at buying school supplies, I was wondering how much extra you buy? Our list is pretty basic: 2 boxes of crayons, 1 folder, glue, pencils, markers. I know the folders are used to go back and forth and between the parent and teacher every day. At $.15 a piece, I bought 2 of every color they had and extra of purple. I know we'll be replacing those through out the year. I went ahead and bought an extra box of crayons for each child also.

    So what are the items you found yourself replacing throughout the year? How much extra did you stock up on?

  2. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    We had bought everything that was on the suggested list for the kids when the started K but once they each had their own teacher they wanted different items. We had some extras & needed alot more. If I already had them, I sent everything in. I also asked throughout the year if they needed anything else.
    I helped Jason's teacher pack up at the end of this year & you would be really surprised at the number of parents who hadn't even sent in things like folders for the kids. If you have the extras then I would send them in. If some of the things came in multiples then buy them too if you can afford that. The teachers can always use the stuff.
  3. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    For Marcus, I ended up replacing his crayons about 6 times! Jonathan got one extra box around mid-year. This year they are asking for 4 boxes per kid, with the Wal-mart deal, I got them each 5 boxes. Our list is huge, so I probably won't get many extras. I mean, they each need 5 boxes of pencils--I can't imagine them really needing many more pencils than that!

    The $.15 folders are good to get a few of, expecially if they are going back and forth, they do get destroyed pretty quickly--I think each boy went through around 5 folders, before I got them each a Trapper one (better made) and they survived the last 2 or 3 months.

    It does depend on the kid. Marcus tends to loose things, so I have to do more replacing for him than for Jonathan. But it is mostly trial and error as to what you need extras of.
  4. Julie

    Julie Well-Known Member

    I buy enough extra to make sure they have supplies to do homework. It's helpful to have crayons, markers, glue, scissors, pencils ect. at home. I have a cabinet that we keep them to keep them separate from the stuff they just have to play with.
  5. PumpkinPies

    PumpkinPies Well-Known Member

    This is a great idea! The first grade list said "8 pk jumbo crayons," but I could only find 8 pk regular or 16 pk jumbo -- so I bought both of those in case I never find what's on the list. I'll stash these away for homework and projects.
  6. LLA

    LLA Well-Known Member

    The list we got at registration was huge. However things that my boys bring in will not necessarily be used by them. They go in a communal area and they get used as needed. We will get a bunch of items off the list but not everything.
  7. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I always get everything off of the list. How do you pick and choose? Also, if everyone brings in what is on the list, then what does it matter if your child uses something that someone else brought in and vice-versa? I just feel that if you don't send it all in, then you are making someone else buy things for your child. Believe me, buying 5 boxes of pencils and 4 boxes of crayons each is a lot, but I do know that Marcus went through 6 boxes of crayons in first grade anyway.
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