That we are completely done with diapers here forever??!! Last night I went to put the babies to bed, and realized I was out of Pull-ups. They have been waking up soaked, so I haven't even thought of them going diaperless at night. Anyway, after about 25 trips to the bathroom before bed(I told them to knock on their door if they needed to potty :wacko: ), THEY BOTH WOKE UP DRY! And were knocking this morning to go potty! :woo: :woo: :woo: :woo: :woo: :woo: :woo: :woo:
awesome--- I remember the feeling well. Just wait till you start noticing the costs you are cutting now that you don't have to buy pull-ups anymore. Seriously, I felt like I had just won the lottery when diapers were no longer part of the monthly budget.
isn't it a great feeling Becky? Ian's been dry for a few weeks now and Abby's had 2 night time accidents since she trained in April
:woo: :woo: :woo: Yay! That is something to celebrate! I can't wait to be there myself...we're working towards it. But great news for you! I'm sure it was exciting to walk right by the aisle and not need anything there. What a wonderful feeling that is! :good:
WTG Jakey and Emma! :woo: :woo: That is the best feeling EVER! :woo: Kevin has been almost dry for four nights now! I hope to be out of pull ups with him soon too!
Isn't it a great thing? We are also finally diaper free too! After 4 years of having kids in diapers ((1.5 years of 3 in diapers at the same time) it is a great relief to not spend any more money on those things! CONGRATS
How great is THAT? Woohoo! Now, do you want to come to my house and teach my younger two, both daytime and nighttime? I am dragging my feet...