Those who use(d) Prevacid Solutabs

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by twointheoven, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. twointheoven

    twointheoven Well-Known Member

    My boys were finally put on Prevacid today, after a screaming fight with my pediatrician, and going to a new doctor who is WONDERFUL! I was wondering the best way to administer. I put in 5ml of water in a small bottle, but it wouldn't go through nipple. I ended up slowly pouring in their mouth, but between it being spit in my face and falling back out of their mouth, I don't think that is going to work. Any tips???
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I broke it into tiny pieces, stuck it in the side of their cheeks, and squirted a bit of water in with a syringe to help it dissolve. Putting it in the syringe was a hassle, and didn't work well for us.
  3. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    What I do is lay Rylee down on the couch on her back, and I sit on the ottoman beside her, with her head by my left hand.

    I put the pill into her cheek closest to me and hold it there with my left forefinger, and use a small medicine syringe filled with water with my right hand and just trickle a little water into her cheek with the syringe. I kinda rub the pill around until it melts away. Then use the water to rinse the particles off my finger and out of her mouth down her throat :)

    I tried a nipple, I tried putting it in the syringe but it settles to the bottom and is hard to get it all out! This works best for me.
  4. Haley'sHope

    Haley'sHope Well-Known Member

    dissolving it in water didn't work at all for us. it just got little gritty pieces all over his face as the water ran out of his mouth. i just broke it into 3 pieces & put it in his mouth. he liked the strawberry flavor & sucked on them until they turned to mush, which happened really quickly. when we did try to dissolve it in water though we used a syringe to slowly trickle it into his mouth because it wouldn't go through a nipple. in an older baby this would work but he started prevacid at 6 weeks & then it did not.
  5. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Yep, dissolving didn't work for us either. We tried a number of different ways, but eventually figured out the best way was just sticking in the side of his cheek and it dissolved in his mouth and he swallowed. Much easier. Good luck, it was definately a lifesaver for my DS.
  6. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    we crush the pills, quirt a little formula on them to make it like a paste, get the paste scooped up on the tip of a finger, and swipe it into their cheek or tongue.

    however, over time our guys have started exerting their will power and one of the things they've developed is a sense of ownership about their mouths. they don't want anything put in there without their permission (owen especially) and this has forced us to get creative with sneaking up on them. owen even went through a phase where he would gag and force himself to throw up with any medicine, be it prevacid, tylenol or motrin. he doesn't gag in the mornings when he's extra hungry, just in the evening when he wants to keep his mouth clamped shut.

    unfortunately i know he got this personality quirk from me. i was a champion protest barfer as a kid. and my parents said, "i hope you get one just like you." <_<
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I sucked up 4 mls of water and then put the 1/2 tab in the syringe and shook it up to dissolve. Then I would squirt it in the side of their cheeks and roll the syringe to keep the solutab from clumping at the bottom. So glad you have a Dr. that you love. Makes all the difference.
  8. becky5

    becky5 Guest

  9. rajeshris

    rajeshris Well-Known Member

    Try not to get too frustrated..we all know how difficult this is. It took us a while to figure out what worked best for us. We used a bulb syringe--from local pharmacy. dissolved 1/2 tab in 3-4 ml of water and pulled it upu in the syringe. One boy sucks it right out when we put it in his mouth. The other..we have to push a littl ein his cheeck and then usually sucks the rest out. the key to the bulb syringe is to not let the water go back ito the bulb..then crystals get stuck. so you have to hold the syringe straight down or to the side. Kind of hard to explain....sorry! Good luck!!
  10. twointheoven

    twointheoven Well-Known Member

    Sounds like I have a few options. Thank you for the responses. I will give them a try and see what works best. I am just so relieved to find relief for my little man. :yahoo:

    Yesterday was so emotionally draining after the fight with my pediatrician and then meeting my new pediatrician, who I am convinced is an Angel! My husband and I were discussing the fact that dealing with reflux is almost harder than when they were in the NICU, because at least when they were in the NICU we knew they were happy and healthy.

    Thank you for your support! :hug:
  11. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    truer words have never been spoken.
  12. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I know nothing about reflux meds but had to :yahoo: a congrats on finding a great new doctor!! I'm so happy and relieved for you!
  13. Double Vision

    Double Vision Well-Known Member

    Was just looking around this board and saw your post. We delt with MAJOR reflux issues with my DS. We put the tablet under is tongue and gave a little formula or water when he was smaller. We he got older we told him it was tummy medicine and put it under his tongue.

    Good Luck to you, reflux is not fun for the little ones.
  14. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Reflux was the worst part of the FY for us. It's awful when your babies won't eat because they are in pain. I went through a few peds before I found one that would help us. :hug:
  15. zndsmom

    zndsmom Well-Known Member

    We tried it and it didn't work for our son... however, this means we have $40 of pills we cannot use. So it it works for you and you would like some free tablets, please let me know! I'd be happy to mail them to you.
  16. lukesmom325

    lukesmom325 Well-Known Member

    Congrats on getting a new doc and someone to listen to you. . .Even tho I love our pedi, he didn't think DS has reflux because he was still gaining weight. . but our 4 year old also had SEVERE reflux so I really "knew" what to look for and was sure that Kaden had it too. . .Our pedi finally referred us to a WONDERFUL GI doc and we LOVE her! She completely agreed with me and put Kaden on prevacid. . .It has worked wonders for us and hope it helps your LO too! Kaden is a completely different kid on meds!! It is truly remarkable! As for administering it, everyone kind of has there own way of doing it. I use those little dosage cups that come with cough medicine. . .I put the 5 ml of water in the cup then add the tablet. Give it maybe 30secs-1 min to dissolve. . .then I suck up the liquid into a large bulb syringe (I find it easier to do half at a time) and Kaden now does all the work and just sucks it right out of the syringe on his own. As PP said, just don't let the liquid get up into the bulb part of the syringe cuz then the particles get stuck. . .You can find the large bulb syringes at any pharmacy,etc. by the pill dispensers. . .I just picked up 2 more from walmart (they also come with a medicine dosage spoon for when the kiddos are older) I think its pretty easy now that we have what works for us. . . We have tried MANY MANY different ways, but this seems the easiest for us. Good LUCK!
    I hope that the prevacid works for you!

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