playing together or sep?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by paulacraft1, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    my ds plays alone a lot, we've had several playgroups now at the house and it is always the same, my dd plays with the girls much more than she ever has with her brother and ds doesn't play with her or the this a boy thing?
    or should I be concerned?
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It might be that he is not interested in other children now and it might be something he will grow out of. It would not hurt to ask your pediatrician if you are concerned.
  3. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    My DD plays by herself a lot. For as much as an hour at a time occasionally. As long as he is also able to be social with other people, I wouldn't worry.
  4. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    thanks he is
    he loves to play with my husband and loves for me to read to him
    he also plays chase with my dd and peek a boo with all of us but the majority of his time is spent alone
    he does initiate the things I mentioned, it isn't always us after him...
    I always worry about him, he was born with torticollis, late to roll over, sit up, crawl, walk. and now talk
    he's my baby born 8 hours later than his sister
    I'm sure he's fine, my husband always says I am overreacting to him:(
  5. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    Moms worry! And it never hurts to ask your pedi if you are worried.
  6. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member

    I believe that it's not until 2.5 or 3 that most toddlers actually start playing cooperatively with others. I think that twins might do it on the earlier side, but it's still not normal for them to play with each other per se at this age. They do, however, play alonside othes and can start getting hte concept of taking turns.

  7. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    Thanks I thought that was the case too about twins and singletons....thanks ladies....
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