Halo Sleepsacks

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by aorcutt, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. aorcutt

    aorcutt Well-Known Member

    I hear almost everybody talk about how their children love their sleepsacks, but I can't figure out what the benefit is to them. I am in the process of weaning one of my boys off of his swaddle and would like to see if this is something I should try. Why are they so great in relationship to swaddling? I'd love to try them, but just can't quite figure it out.
  2. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Our girls were very attached to the swaddle and now love there sleepsacks! I suppose after being tightly swaddled the sack is a source of comfort, it still snuggles round the body but gives them freedom to move arms and legs. I have never tried them with an ordinary blanket but i know for a fact that a blanket would end up untucked and over the otherside of the cot as they are both wrigglers.. this isn't a concern with a sleep sack.
  3. KKing

    KKing Well-Known Member

    As pp said, we used them after swaddling for the same purpose. I stopped using them around 5mo, mainly because my dd was rolling over and I live in Florida and it was just getting to hot for them. Now they just sleep in onsies and thin pants.

    I really did like the sacks!
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Mine didnt really care for the swaddle. I really only used the sleepsacks as a form of a blanket since we didnt want to put blankets in their cribs.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sleep sacks, for us, were the next step after swaddling. Mine stopped the swaddle on their own (sooner then I hoped) and we wanted to use sleep sacks as blankets because they were too young for blankets in the crib. They are 18 months and still use sleep sacks a couple of times a week. Good luck!
  6. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    I used the sleep sac for the same reason Rachel said. I just didn't want a loose blanket in their bed. Now that it's summer they just sleep in onesies.
  7. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine loved the swaddle but the sleep sacks were just so they wouldn't get too cold in their cribs.
  8. Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem Ipsum Well-Known Member

    We love the sleepsacks! A blanket quickly becomes a wad of cloth when the little ones wiggle or squirm in their sleep, but a sleepsack keeps them comfy and warm and doesn't go anywhere.

    I also like that I can hold, snuggle, cuddle, pick-up, carry around, or move the boys without worrying about dropping a blanket or getting it caught on something...
  9. ohjojo

    ohjojo Well-Known Member

    like everybody else, we switched to the sleepsack after the swaddle. they have always been too wiggly to keep a blanket on and we keep it pretty cool in the house at night.

    i just discovered (silly me) that if you look on ebay you can get them really cheap. they are a little pricey to buy retail, but i got some brand new onesfor 9.99 plus free shipping on ebay.. they usually cost around $25.00. just a thought if you want to try them but don't want to spend a lot of $$$.
  10. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I didn't really swaddle for more than a couple of weeks after they were born & I never had sleepsacks. I know a lot of mom's & babies here loved them, so I'm sure they are worth trying, I just never liked having to mess with them at night when I had to change diapers. We just put our kids in heavier sleepers so they stayed warm.
  11. mrschenoweth

    mrschenoweth Well-Known Member

    We are avid Halo Sleepsack users too! I like them because they are too young for a loose blanket in the crib, they can't kick them off and get cold, and I find them easy for diaper changes because they zip from the top down - that way you don't have to unzip the whole thing to get to their bottoms. :) I've never bought them new - I always buy them from ebay at a fraction of the cost!
  12. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    I purchased two sleep sacks so I wouldn't have to worry about blankets. But my girls throw their legs up in the air a lot and kick and they get caught up in the zipper area of the middle of the sleep sack because the material is stretchy. This frustrates them - has anyone else had this problem? So far I am not a lover of these but do love the idea and most folks seem to love them. Maybe a member can post a solution to this or acknowledge if this is a phase or whatever. My girls are pretty animated sleepers...grrr...anyway, they are pricey and before you go buying them, you might want to see if you can get them used to try out.
  13. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    This is why I like them too. Eleanor is quite a wiggly sleeper, but even if she turns sideways in her crib or crawls to the other end she's still wrapped up warm. Also you can use them when they're too young for blankets.

    Eleanor likes to kick/wave her legs around in the air too and we've never had this happen. The material on ours is not stretchy though so maybe that's why. Have you tried putting the sleep sack on backwards? Then the zipper would be at the back of their legs so they couldn't get stuck in it by kicking. Otherwise maybe look at different styles/materials of sleep sacks.
  14. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have some, and tried them about a month ago when my babies were breaking out of the swaddle. The idea is great, don't need an extra blanket, but my babies were waking themselves with their flailing arms. So I broke down and bought bigger swaddleme's.

    If the babies fit the sleep sacks still by fall I'll probably try them again, because I do like the idea, but if they don't, I won't be buying bigger ones, I'll just use lightweight blankets in their crib with them (and did with my older 2 as well). :)
  15. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I live in Michigan, and it gets very cold here during the winter. Since they were so small when they were born we dressed them in fleece sleepers and also put them in fleece sleepsacks for extra warmth. If they got too cold, they'd wake up more at night, and having a blanket in the crib is not recommended because of the SIDS risk.
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