
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bran24, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. bran24

    bran24 Well-Known Member

    One of my girls refuses to eat almost any vegetables, she throws it off her tray and if I spoon feed her the veggie she'll spit it out. I haven't seemed to find a veggie she likes. Her poop is extremely hard and large- she's having a hard time going. Any suggestions on how to get her to eat veggies?
  2. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    we put velveeta cheese melted on ours everytime, won't help with the poop though, for that make sure she has pears every meal (those little fruit cups are perfect)
  3. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I have the same problem with both of mine. I have to sneak it in. I have gotten several good ideas from the books Deceptively Delicious and The toddler cafe. We still offer just veggies on there plates because I want them to eventually get use to eating them. the meantime I have resorted to sneaking it in when I can just so I know they are getting it.
  4. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Up until yesterday, I was still feeding them stage 3 veggies. Today just for the heck of it I made peas and they every last one of them :Clap: I was just telling someone last week that I needed to get them off the jar veggies because: A. They are 18 months today and B. They cost a lot more than a bag of frozen veggies.

    Maybe you could get a few stage 3's and see if they'll eat it that way.

    I think the turning point for them was that they've had their 1 year molars for awhile now and can chew things a lot better.
  5. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Katie LOVES green beans! Also, Macaroni and Tomato is a fave of hers!
  6. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    Sweet potato cubes are like candy around here...though I am sure you have tried it. Like a PP, smashed peas are a big hit, too! My DD didn't like a lot of veggies at first (unlike DS who will eat ANYTHING) so I just kept offering. Pretty soon she started to enjoy her veggies as much as her brother.
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    For a while we had to supplement our veggies with the stage 3 purees but I am finding as they get older, they will eat more veggies. DD will not eat peas, so I will usually cover them in cheese for her. You might want to also try a little dip for them to dip the veggies in like ketchup or ranch dressing. Good luck!
  8. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    For us it's mostly veggie burgers - they love those. We add some veggies in their mac'n cheese (homemade) also. But yeah they're not too fond of them... so we give them fruit at most meals.
  9. bran24

    bran24 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the ideas. They eat a ton of fruit- just not stoked on veggies. I think I will try veggie burgers, that's a great idea.
  10. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I agree with all of the suggestions - just keep offering and make sure she gets lots of pears, prunes, etc. to help soften her stools a bit.
  11. turnerbabies

    turnerbabies Member

    Jaylen is the same way. His diet consists of french fries, nuggest, fruit and cheese. Won't touch a vegetable. I've resorted to buying veggie chips from the natural food store. I know it's not fresh veggies, but at least they're getting something out of it.
  12. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    my girls will eat veggie burgers too but just be careful because there is a ton of SALT in them so I limit them to 1x per week and they split one.
  13. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Ours are hooked on fruit but for veggies their faves are:

    black olives (is that a veggie?)
    potatoes (make sweet potato fries)
    steamed carrots
    green beans
    snap peas

    we also do one cup of diluted fruit juice for lunch that really helps things move ;)
  14. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Yeah I don't even want to think of how much salt my kids eat every day, considering that they mostly eat processed stuff for dinner (they don't eat plain meat or veggies and won't touch most of our homemade stuff). Ugh.
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