Potty training?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Melissatwins84, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. Melissatwins84

    Melissatwins84 Well-Known Member

    I was just curious when are you planing on trying to start your children on the potty? I thought I would try to start my daughter on the potty at 16 months (Sept) just when I go to the bathroom, I would put her on the toilet and let her see me on the toilet. I would do that for a month or two. And then when she felt comfortable with her potty, I will try putting her in training pants, and training her during the day. Then when she masters the day I would start on the night. While I am training her at night, then I would start with my son during the day, first month or two take him to the potty with me. Then start training him during the day. What do you think of this idea? Is it to young totry and see what happens?

    I really would like both of them potty trained by their 3rd birthday, because we are planning on trying for another baby and that baby would be born around when they are four. I would not want 3 kids in diapers.
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    We have had potty chairs here for about 6 months or so. My girls have both gone pee on them on several different occasions and have even told me when they have to use the potty. I have yet to actually hunker down at attempt to officially PT them. Things have been so busy lately, it has mostly been because I didn't have the time to devote to it. I have heard/read that 20 months is ideal to PT girls. My girls will be 21 months on Monday.

    I do know that I am not going to force the issue, as I don't want to stress any of us out over it. I know it will happen when it's time. GL!
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I figure we'll start pt when they start showing signs they are ready. A couple big ones that I know of are waking up in the morning and after naps with an empty diaper, and going to bed with no liqueds. And of course moving to toddler beds. We are NO where near ready for that and I just don't see how it's possible to pt unless they are in toddler beds.
    My ds was 3 when he was pt... but we made a lot of mistakes with him and I'm hoping that I've learned from those and can start off on a better foot with these two! I would say closer to 2.5 years if I were to guess. Everything I've read says girls pt faster then boys... Good luck!
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am not planning to seriously potty train until after the twins turn 2. We have bought them potties so they can get used to the concept but won't get serious about it until after 2. Good luck!
  5. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    I haven't thought about it very much. I feel like summer is the ideal time, but they aren't ready yet. I guess when they are closer to 2. That will be Christmas time though. I'm sort of leaning towards getting one of those little seats that sits on the regular toilet instead of potty chairs. We have a small bathroom and I don't think there is enough room for the extra chairs.
  6. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    My daughter was so easy to pt at around 2 yrs old. Never used a potty, just a kiddy seat on the toilet. Don't plan on getting potties for the boys either - will just use the toilet but not yet - will wait until they are at least 2. Good luck though!
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Both my girls I started PTing 5 months before they turned 3 and they were both ready. :good: I actually had tried Emilie last summer (3 months prior) and she was not ready and wasn't having any success, so we stopped. But 3 months later she was ready. I didn't even start with DS until he was 3. I have heard from several people with boys, that boys are easier closer to 3. And he was definitely the hardest to train, my girls were very easy.
  8. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We're not starting until after they turn 2. I think Alice is ready, but I'm not ready to devote time to it. Plus I'd rather have diapers to change on an 18 hour road trip than stop for the potty every hour or more.

    Once we're in our new place, we'll start PT for sure. But until then, diapers are our friends.
  9. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Just want to say something to the "girls are easier/faster to train than boys" thing. This is not necessarily true. Bea trained pretty easily at 2 yrs 8 mos. Ainsley OTOH, didn't train till close to 3.5 yrs, and she still has a lot of accidents. I felt like I had SO much pressure to get her trained because Bea was already trained, and because she's a girl. I think I pushed it too much, maybe I should have let her take her time more. You really can't predict when they will be ready based on whether or not you have a boy or girl. I have friends with boys that trained early and easily. There is no set age, you just have to go by their cues as to when they are ready to start.
  10. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I started with the boys at 3. It clicked since they were older and could be familiar and understand more what they were suppose to do. I think it took about 2 weeks and they had it down pat!
  11. Melissatwins84

    Melissatwins84 Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies so much for your responses. I am confused if I should start my daughter at 16 months now. HmmMmmM.... :( I don't want to push it on her, but I do want her to become familiar with that pink little chair sitting in the closet (going in the bathroom at 16 months). I think I'll just take her when I go to the bathroom while she's awake for a couple of months. Then try to train her more.
  12. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    We're moving to a new house this weekend, and it has stained concrete flooring throughout (no carpet!! :banana: ). We will probably start trying in another month or so, once the transition to the new house is over with. We have tried here and there along the way but never had much luck (those poor carpets!!) so I didn't push it.
  13. anu-monty

    anu-monty Active Member

    i started using potty chair when my girls were 10months old. after they turned 1yr3months i started the potty seat and now they don't use potty chair,,,, and now they are fully trained, when they need they sign me and i put them in potty seat.....
    so i think as early u start, they will learn.
  14. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I don't think I'm even going to start until they are 2. They can't pull their pants down or anything yet (which is fine by me b/c no diaper removal). How would I potty train them if they can't even pull their pants down? Mine are 17 months now, and I cannot imagine having already started trying to PT them. I do try to identify for them when they are pooping and engage their assistance in diaper changes, but I don't think they are even in the ballpark of being ready.
  15. suzrod

    suzrod Well-Known Member

    Hi there- everyone gave you great advice so I just wanted to add my two cents affirming what's been said already. I wouldn't automatically label your son harder to train than your daughter, it does depend on the child. You mentioned you still don't know when to start training. It does depend on whether your daughter/son is showing signs of readiness. I found with my older two that they were ready to be day time trained when they woke up dry from their naps. Night time dryness is another story. That will come. If your daughter is waking up dry I would do just what you mentioned...put out a potty and let her check it out. My daughter started pt at 18 months and was done by 20 months. She was just ready. So...keep that in mind. Waiting until they're 3 isn't for everyone. Good luck. My best advice is, if you go for it, be consistent.
  16. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    I just started PT my DD today. (She turns two tomorrow.) I am using the method from www.3daypottytraining.com. The author says she believes that 22 months is an ideal age to potty train. She thinks that older kids have a stronger habit of going potty in their diapers that is more difficult to change than a 22 month old. She also says that kids that are 3 and up turn potty training into a control issue more often than with younger kids. (That's her opinion, not necessarily mine.)

    I think introducing her to the potty is a great thing to do at her age. You can see how she responds and decide if you want to go for it in a few months.
  17. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Dh & I have agreed we will start potty training when they start showing the signs (being able to tell us they need to go, pulling their pants up/down on their own etc). No specific age. We got poties when they were 1. They like to sit on their potties (clothed) while I go potty during the day. I also let them sit there a minute or 2 before bath time but thats about it. For now they are just there for them to get used to.
  18. eewelks

    eewelks Well-Known Member

    Our twins are 17 months old and our DD is extrememly interested in everything her 3 yr old sister does. Anyhow, we put a little potty chair out about a week ago, and DD loves to sit on it etc. Last night, we told her, before her bath, to sit on the potty and go pee like Tess (her big sister) and DD did!!! We didn't get our 3 yr old potty trained until a few months ago. It may have been a fluke, but if DD is interested, I am going to continue to encourage it. I screwed up potty training with my first, and I am going to start earlier this time.
    As a side note, our DS, just started walking so I have no plans with him other than leaving the potty chair out for him to see.
  19. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    We got potty chairs when the girls were 18 months. This was because Ana was asking to pee on the potty. We made it part of our bath routine (sit on the potty and pee before bath), but I didn't start really training until last week (at 28 months).
  20. snowmom

    snowmom Well-Known Member

    I bought a potty last week, and have it out where the kids can see it. They are given the opportunity to sit on it when they want, and check it out at any time. I'm not in any huge rush, because DD is walking but DS is not yet. My plan is to let them get used to seeing the potty around, watch me on the toilet, and learning about peeing and pooping. DD is very interested in dirty diapers, and has to check each one out after being changed. I'm not actively trying to train yet, jsut building the awareness of the functions and the potty for now. My older DS was fully trained by 2.5 yrs and he was easy to train. He saw his friend peeing on a tree outside and wanted to be able to do it himself. I told him he could, but not while he still wore diapers, so he trained himself pretty much. I think kids will tell us when they are ready, it's just difficult sometimes to see the signs. I do agree with the ppl who say that if you wait to long, it can become a power struggle.
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