like flashes when in walmart

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by buddhababybelly, Apr 4, 2009.

  1. buddhababybelly

    buddhababybelly Well-Known Member

    Hi Ladies,
    I would like to know if this has happened to anyone else. Today this event scared me because the last think I needed to do was pass out in Walmart.

    So, 2x in the last 2 weeks when I take trips to walmart--not for long amounts of time, just to get a few groceries and fabric, before I can check out I begin to feel a little faint, numb, start breaking out in a sweat, feeling dizzy..

    Today it lasted before I got to the checkout counter and until I got home, where I hummed myself to sleep (childhood habit when I didnt feel well).
    I was concerned because the nausea, hot flash, really feeling like poo part lasted for over an hour this time and I had to sleep it off. And it never fails that Im alone at walmart when this happens.

    Does anyone know what may be causing this? My mother replied to my question "look at what you're carrying", my husband thinks that I should get a scooter, they were all gone I did look into one when I got there.
    My next DR appointment is April 10th, and will ask him then. But just curious if anyone else has experienced this and what they were told.
  2. h2believe

    h2believe Well-Known Member

    I've had moments of hot flashes but not to the degree of passing out.. but I will tell you, I use those scooters at just about every store that offers it. I cannot walk for long and don't care what other people say. I say use the scooter if it's available!! It will help! I tend not to even make trips to stores that don't have the scooter due to how difficult it is to walk for so long.

    Definitely ask your doc about your concerns, though!!
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Me. :wavey: I actually did pass out....a few times in various pregnancies. :woah: I asked my doctor about it, and she seemed to think it was due to the excess blood flow. It always happened when I was at the checkout counter. I didn't have blood sugar issues, so no problems there.
  4. buddhababybelly

    buddhababybelly Well-Known Member

    Thanks Ladies. I see there are alot of things that could cause it, even low blood pressure. DH says no more shopping for me.. mmhmmm <_< Hopefully we'll find out what this is soon and it wont get too bad or to the point that I actually pass out..Lord Help if it does..I will try to stay at the more populated Walmarts I guess..
  5. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    I have had that feeling too. Fortunately, haven't passed out. But, I do tend to get panic attacks after the passing out feeling! So, I feel your pain girl! I would talk to my doc if I were you, just to see what he thinks.
  6. alex&andysmom

    alex&andysmom Well-Known Member

    Just a side note. Walmart is one of the hottest places on the planet! I have asked them several time why the h*ll it is always so hot in there...they agreed and said that the temp. system is centraly controlled by the main office out of state! Pregnant or not I always roast in walmart!
  7. buddhababybelly

    buddhababybelly Well-Known Member

    Thank you all, when it first started happening I did try to calm myself down wondering if I was just anxiety, then in my mind I questioned myself anxiety because of what?!...This is Walmart..

    DH has called the closer Walmarts and Targets to see if they have scooters... sigh.. Ill check back in once I find out what the doctor thinks and says
  8. Angelsamb

    Angelsamb Well-Known Member

    Are you eating frequently or standing too long?
  9. leaudemiel

    leaudemiel Well-Known Member

    I am bumping this up because I have been having hot flashes/feeling faint a few times in the past month, all while seated. I emntioend it to my doctor and he said to keep an eye on it but he was sure it was the pregnancy hormones... ANyone else have this?
  10. kmay

    kmay Well-Known Member

    OMG, I started getting them around week 25. I would literally feel like I was going to pass out and get so hot that I couldn't get away from myself. It would send me to tears and I felt like I was having a panick attack at times. I would have to rip my clothes off. It's terrible. It was explained to me that when you "push" youself, your body protects the babies by pushing all of your blood to the uterus and with two of them and a larger uterus, it makes you light headed really fast.

    I ride the rascals now if I go anywhere, Target, grocery shopping after a scare at Kohl's (who only had wheel chairs). I was with DD the day before Christmas Eve for about 15 mins and I had to take two breaks on their bed display. I was freaking out because if I passed out, my DD was there "alone" and that made it way worse for me. I could only last 15 mins and then went to the car and sat in my cold car for 10 mins before I could drive home.

    I also get this way after eating. I will not miss that part of this pregnancy at all. Mention it to your dr and see what they say.
  11. KStorey

    KStorey Well-Known Member

    Been there, done that!!! My midwife told me that this is classic signs of low blood pressure. Only thing to do is to sit or lie down, take a rest and have a coffee. Evidently coffee raises your blood pressure. I have had to sit on the floor in lots of shops, much to the panic of my DH. I just take a few minutes, smile and wave at everyone as they stare at me then declare the shopping trip over! Just another joy of being pregnant! GL
  12. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    I have this, too. My DH says he knows its starting when I start pulling up my pant legs to my knees and shoving my sleeves up to my elbows. Within a few minutes though the clothes are usually coming off and I start fanning myself. I'm not sure it's always about low blood pressure though. I've had high BP this pregnancy and actually take meds for it. I monitor it several times a day and my BP is always normal now, but I still experience these hot flashes often. Usually when I'm really tired or have just done way too much.
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